
This module contains a set of factory functions for setting up the shape deformation models of celestial bodies in an environment. Typically, these are primarilly used for detailed position modelling of ground stations/landers.


basic_solid_body_tidal(tide_raising_bodies, ...)

Function for creating basic tidal solid-body shape deformation

degree_two_basic_solid_body_tidal(...[, ...])

Function for creating degree 2 basic tidal solid-body shape deformation


Function for creating full IERS 2010 shape deformation model

basic_solid_body_tidal(tide_raising_bodies: list[str], displacement_love_numbers: dict[int, tuple[float, float]], reference_radius: float = nan) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape_deformation.BasicSolidBodyDeformationSettings

Function for creating basic tidal solid-body shape deformation

Function for creating basic tidal solid-body shape deformation, computing the tidal shape variation due to any number of bodies causing the deformation, and a tidal response define by the deformation Love and Shida numbers \(h_{m}\) and \(l_{m}\) (with only \(m=2,3\) currently supported). This function implements equations (7.5) and (7.6) of the IERS Conventions 2010.

  • tide_raising_bodies (list[ string ]) – List of bodies that raise a tide that induces the shape variation.

  • displacement_love_numbers (dict[ int, [float,float] ]) – Dictionary of pairs. The dictionary key the spherical harmonic degree \(l\) of the tidal deformation (2 or 3 are currently supported). The dictionary value is comprised of a pair of floats representing the \(h_{2}\) and \(l_{2}\) deformation Love numbers

  • reference_radius (float, default = NaN) – Spherical harmonic reference radius of the deformed body. If this value is left undefined (e.g at NaN), the reference radius of the existing spherical harmonic gravity field of the deformed body is used.


Instance of the BodyDeformationSettings derived BasicSolidBodyDeformationSettings class

Return type:



In this example, we create a settings for degree 2 tidal deformation of the Earth due to the Sun and Moon:

# Create Love numbers
love_numbers = dict()
love_numbers[2] = (0.6, 0.08)

# Create tide raising bodies
tide_raising_bodies = ["Sun", "Moon"]

# Append shape variation settings to existing (default is empty) list
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).shape_deformation_settings.append(
        tide_raising_bodies, love_numbers ) )
degree_two_basic_solid_body_tidal(tide_raising_bodies: list[str], love_number: float, shida_number: float, reference_radius: float = nan) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape_deformation.BasicSolidBodyDeformationSettings

Function for creating degree 2 basic tidal solid-body shape deformation

Function for creating basic tidal solid-body shape deformation, computing the tidal shape variation due to any number of bodies causing the deformation, and a tidal response define by the deformation Love and Shida numbers \(h_{2}\) and \(l_{2}\). This function implements equations (7.5) of the IERS Conventions 2010, and provides a simplified interface (for degree 2 only) of basic_solid_body_tidal().

  • tide_raising_bodies (list[ string ]) – List of bodies that raise a tide that induces the shape variation.

  • love_number (float) – Value of \(h_{2}\) deformation Love number`

  • shida_number (float) – Value of \(l_{2}\) deformation Shida number`

  • reference_radius (float, default = NaN) – Spherical harmonic reference radius of the deformed body. If this value is left undefined (e.g at NaN), the reference radius of the existing spherical harmonic gravity field of the deformed body is used.


Instance of the BodyDeformationSettings derived BasicSolidBodyDeformationSettings class

Return type:



In this example, we create a settings for degree 2 tidal deformation of the Earth due to the Sun and Moon:

# Create Love numbers
h2_love_number = 0.6
l2_shida_number = 0.08

# Create tide raising bodies
tide_raising_bodies = ["Sun", "Moon"]

# Append shape variation settings to existing (default is empty) list
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).shape_deformation_settings.append(
        tide_raising_bodies, h2_love_number, l2_shida_number ) )
iers_2010_solid_body_tidal() tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape_deformation.BodyDeformationSettings

Function for creating full IERS 2010 shape deformation model

Function for creating full IERS 2010 shape deformation model, computing the tidal shape variation due to the full model defined in Section 7.1.1 of the IERS Conventions 2010, implementing Eqs. (7.5)-(7.13), including all terms from Tables 7.3a and 7.3b. At present, none of the input parameters of the model can be varied.


Instance of the BodyDeformationSettings defining the IERS 2010 settings

Return type:




Base class for providing settings for body shape deformation model.


Class for defining model settings for simple tidal solid-body shape deformation.

class BodyDeformationSettings

Base class for providing settings for body shape deformation model.

Functional (base) class for settings of body shape deformation models that require no information in addition to their type. Body shape deformation model settings requiring additional information must be defined using an object derived from this class.

class BasicSolidBodyDeformationSettings

Class for defining model settings for simple tidal solid-body shape deformation.

BodyDeformationSettings derived class for simple tidal solid-body shape deformation.