
This module contains a set of factory functions for setting up the shape models of celestial bodies in an environment.



Function for creating spherical body shape model settings.


Function for creating spherical body shape model settings entirely from spice.

oblate_spherical(equatorial_radius, flattening)

Function for creating oblate spherical body shape model settings.

polyhedron(vertices_coordinates, ...[, ...])

Function for creating a polyhedron body shape model settings.

hybrid(low_resolution_body_shape_settings, ...)

Function for creating hybrid body shape model settings.

spherical(radius: float) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape.BodyShapeSettings

Function for creating spherical body shape model settings.

Function for settings object, defining strictly spherical body shape model entirely from single radius parameter.


radius (float) – Radius specifying spherical body shape.


Instance of the BodyShapeSettings derived SphericalBodyShapeSettings class

Return type:



In this example, we create a BodyShapeSettings using a perfectly spherical shape model:

# define parameters describing perfectly spherical model
body_radius = 6378.0E3
# create shape model settings
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).shape_settings = environment_setup.shape.spherical( body_radius )
spherical_spice() tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape.BodyShapeSettings

Function for creating spherical body shape model settings entirely from spice.

Function for settings object, defining spherical body shape model entirely from spice parameters.


Instance of BodyShapeSettings class

Return type:



In this example, we create a BodyShapeSettings using a perfectly spherical shape model and data from Spice:

# create shape model settings
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).shape_settings = environment_setup.shape.spherical_spice( )
oblate_spherical(equatorial_radius: float, flattening: float) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape.BodyShapeSettings

Function for creating oblate spherical body shape model settings.

Function for settings object, defining oblate spherical body shape model from equatorial radius and flattening parameter.

  • equatorial_radius (float) – Equatorial radius specifying oblate spherical body shape.

  • flattening (float) – Flattening parameter specifying oblate spherical body shape.


Instance of the BodyShapeSettings derived OblateSphericalBodyShapeSettings class

Return type:



In this example, we create a BodyShapeSettings using a perfectly oblate spherical shape model:

# define parameters describing oblate spherical model
body_radius = 6378.0E3
body_flattening = 1.0 / 300.0
# create shape model settings
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).shape_settings = environment_setup.shape.oblate_spherical( body_radius, body_flattening )
polyhedron(vertices_coordinates: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], vertices_defining_each_facet: numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32[m, n]], compute_altitude_with_sign: bool = True, just_compute_distance_to_vertices: bool = False) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape.BodyShapeSettings

Function for creating a polyhedron body shape model settings.

Function for settings object, defining a polyhedron shape model.

Note 1: The evaluation of the altitude with a polyhedron model tends to be computationally expensive. To reduce the computational time, it might be useful to instead define a hybrid shape model (see hybrid()), which allows using a high-resolution polyhedron (with a large number of facets) at low altitudes and a low-resolution one (with smaller number of facets) at high-altitudes.

Note 2: If the goal of using the shape model is only to detect collisions with the surface and not to explicitly obtain the altitude, it is instead recommended to use the Laplacian of the gravitational potential (see gravity_field_laplacian_of_potential()). This allows reducing the computational time, but is only valid if the same polyhedron model that is used to define the gravitational acceleration should also be used to detect the impacts.

  • vertices_coordinates (numpy.ndarray) – Cartesian coordinates of each polyhedron vertex. Entry (i,j) denotes vertex i, coordinate j (one row per vertex, 3 columns).

  • vertices_defining_each_facet (numpy.ndarray) – Index (0 based) of the vertices constituting each facet. Entry (i,j) denotes facet i, and the jth vertex of the facet (one row per facet, 3 columns). In each row, the vertices’ indices should be ordered counterclockwise when seen from the outside of the polyhedron.

  • compute_altitude_with_sign (bool, default=True) – Flag indicating whether the altitude should be computed with sign (i.e. >0 if above surface, <0 otherwise) or having always a positive value. If the the sign of the altitude is not relevant, then setting it to false is recommended, as it reduces the CPU time.

  • just_compute_distance_to_vertices (bool, default=False) – Flag indicating whether the altitude should be computed just with respect to the polyhedron vertices (if flag is set to true) or to all polyhedron features (vertices, facets and edges; happens if flag is set to false). Depending on the application, it might be useful to set the flag to true for medium to high altitudes, as it allows significantly reducing the CPU time (the resulting altitude errors depend on the resolution of the used polyhedron and altitude itself).


Instance of the BodyShapeSettings derived PolyhedronBodyShapeSettings class

Return type:


hybrid(low_resolution_body_shape_settings: tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape.BodyShapeSettings, high_resolution_body_shape_settings: tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape.BodyShapeSettings, switchover_altitude: float) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.shape.BodyShapeSettings

Function for creating hybrid body shape model settings.

Function for settings object, defining a hybrid shape model.

The hybrid shape model is constituted by two shape models: a low-resolution model which is used at high altitudes (above the switchover altitude) and a high-resolution model used at low altitudes (below the switchover altitude). In each computation of the altitude, the altitude is first computed with the low-resolution model. The low-resolution altitude is then compared to the switchover altitude to decide whether to compute the high-resolution altitude.

The hybrid shape model is useful when the evaluation of the high-resolution model is computationally expensive (e.g. polyhedron model).

  • low_resolution_body_shape_settings (BodyShapeSettings) – Settings of the shape model that is to be used to compute the altitude at high altitudes (above the switchover altitude).

  • high_resolution_body_shape_settings (BodyShapeSettings) – Settings of the shape model that is to be used to compute the altitude at low altitudes (below the switchover altitude).

  • switchover_altitude (float) – Altitude at which the model used to compute the altitude is changed. The high-resolution model is used for altitudes below the switchover altitude, the low-resolution model for altitudes above it.


Instance of the BodyShapeSettings derived HybridBodyShapeSettings class

Return type:




Base class for providing settings for body shape model.


Class for defining model settings of a strictly spherical body shape.


Class for defining model settings of a oblate spherical body shape.


Class for defining model settings of a polyhedron body shape.


Class for defining model settings of a hybrid body shape.

class BodyShapeSettings

Base class for providing settings for body shape model.

Functional (base) class for settings of body shape models that require no information in addition to their type. Body shape model settings requiring additional information must be defined using an object derived from this class.

class SphericalBodyShapeSettings

Class for defining model settings of a strictly spherical body shape.

BodyShapeSettings derived class for strictly spherical body shape model settings.

property radius


Radius specifying spherical body shape.



class OblateSphericalBodyShapeSettings

Class for defining model settings of a oblate spherical body shape.

BodyShapeSettings derived class for oblate spherical body shape model settings.

property equatorial_radius


Equatorial radius of the oblate spherical body shape.



property flattening


Flattening of spheroid shape model.



class PolyhedronBodyShapeSettings

Class for defining model settings of a polyhedron body shape.

BodyShapeSettings derived class for polyhedron body shape model settings.

property compute_altitude_with_sign

Flag indicating whether the altitude should be computed with sign (i.e. >0 if above surface, <0 otherwise) or having always a positive value. If the the sign of the altitude is not relevant, then setting it to false is recommended, as it reduces the CPU time for computing the altitude.


bool, default=True

property just_compute_distance_to_vertices

Flag indicating whether the altitude should be computed just with respect to the polyhedron vertices (if flag is set to true) or to all polyhedron features (vertices, facets and edges; happens if flag is set to false). Depending on the application, it might be useful to set the flag to true for medium to high altitudes, as it allows significantly reducing the CPU time (the resulting altitude errors depend on the resolution of the used polyhedron and altitude itself).


bool, default=False

property vertices_coordinates

Cartesian coordinates of each polyhedron vertex. Entry (i,j) denotes vertex i, coordinate j (one row per vertex, 3 columns).



property vertices_defining_each_facet

Index (0 based) of the vertices constituting each facet. Entry (i,j) denotes facet i, and the jth vertex of the facet (one row per facet, 3 columns). In each row, the vertices’ indices should be ordered counterclockwise when seen from the outside of the polyhedron.



class HybridBodyShapeSettings

Class for defining model settings of a hybrid body shape.

BodyShapeSettings derived class for hybrid body shape model settings.

property high_resolution_body_shape_settings

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property low_resolution_body_shape_settings

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property switchover_altitude

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