
Functionalities for multiple-leg interplanetary transfer trajectories.

This module provides the functionality for creating transfer trajectories consisting of multiple transfer legs separated by transfer nodes. In particular, this allows defining multi-gravity assist transfers with high-thrust legs, low-thrust legs or a mix of the two.




Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer with just upowered legs.


Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by legs with 1 impulsive deep space maneuver (DSM) described using the velocity formulation.


Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by legs with 1 impulsive deep space maneuver (DSM) described using the position formulation.

mga_settings_spherical_shaping_legs(...[, ...])

Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by low-thrust spherical shaping legs.

mga_settings_hodographic_shaping_legs(...[, ...])

Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by low-thrust hodographic shaping legs, with user-provided velocity shaping functions.


Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by low-thrust hodographic shaping legs, with user-provided velocity shaping functions.


Factory function for creating the settings of an unpowered leg.


Factory function for creating the settings of a transfer leg with 1 impulsive deep space maneuver (DSM) described using the position formulation.


Factory function for creating the settings of a transfer leg with 1 impulsive deep space maneuver (DSM) described using the velocity formulation.


Factory function for creating the settings of a low-thrust spherical shaping leg.


Factory function for creating the settings of a low-thrust hodographic shaping leg.


Factory function for creating the settings of a swingby node.


Factory function for creating the settings of an escape or departure node.

capture_node(capture_semi_major_axis, ...)

Factory function for creating the settings of a capture or insertion node.

print_parameter_definitions(leg_settings, ...)

Prints the list of parameters required to define the transfer trajectory, according to the specified node and leg settings.

create_transfer_trajectory(bodies, ...)

Factory function for creating a transfer trajectory consisting of the specified sequence of transfer nodes and transfer legs.

mga_settings_unpowered_unperturbed_legs(body_order: list[str], departure_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), arrival_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), minimum_pericenters: dict[str, float] = {'Earth': 6678000.0, 'Jupiter': 600000000.0, 'Mars': 3689000.0, 'Mercury': 2740000.0, 'Saturn': 70000000.0, 'Venus': 6351800.0}) tuple[list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings], list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings]]

Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer with just upowered legs.

Function determines the legs and nodes settings of a multi-gravity assist transfer trajectory consisting of: one initial node (departure or swingby), unpowered transfer leg(s) connected by swingby nodes, one final (capture or swingby) node. If the departure orbit and arrival orbit are provided as arguments, the initial node is a departure node, and the final node a capture node. If the departure/arrival orbit is not specified, the initial/final node is a swingby node.

  • body_order (list[str]) – List of bodies to visit, including departure body, swingby bodies and arrival body.

  • departure_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the departure orbit. The default values define the first node as a swingby node (instead of a departure node).

  • arrival_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the arrival orbit. The default values define the last node as a swingby node (instead of a capture node).

  • minimum_pericenters (dict[str, float], default=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_PERICENTERS) – Minimum pericenter radii, where each body is specified as key and the respective minimum pericenter radius as value. Default values from Izzo [1].


Tuple specifying the settings of each transfer leg and node.

Return type:

tuple[ list[TransferLegSettings], list[TransferNodeSettings] ]

mga_settings_dsm_velocity_based_legs(body_order: list[str], departure_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), arrival_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), minimum_pericenters: dict[str, float] = {'Earth': 6678000.0, 'Jupiter': 600000000.0, 'Mars': 3689000.0, 'Mercury': 2740000.0, 'Saturn': 70000000.0, 'Venus': 6351800.0}) tuple[list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings], list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings]]

Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by legs with 1 impulsive deep space maneuver (DSM) described using the velocity formulation.

Function determines the legs and nodes settings of a multi-gravity assist transfer trajectory consisting of: one initial node (departure or swingby), velocity-based DSM transfer leg(s) connected by swingby nodes, one final (capture or swingby) node. If the departure orbit and arrival orbit are provided as arguments, the initial node is a departure node, and the final node a capture node. If the departure/arrival orbit is not specified, the initial/final node is a swingby node.

  • body_order (list[str]) – List of bodies to visit, including departure body, swingby bodies and arrival body.

  • departure_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the departure orbit. The default values define the first node as a swingby node (instead of a departure node).

  • arrival_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the arrival orbit. The default values define the last node as a swingby node (instead of a capture node).

  • minimum_pericenters (dict[str, float], default=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_PERICENTERS) – Minimum pericenter radii, where each body is specified as key and the respective minimum pericenter radius as value. Default values from Izzo [1].


Tuple specifying the settings of each transfer leg and node.

Return type:

tuple[ list[TransferLegSettings], list[TransferNodeSettings] ]

mga_settings_dsm_position_based_legs(body_order: list[str], departure_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), arrival_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), minimum_pericenters: dict[str, float] = {'Earth': 6678000.0, 'Jupiter': 600000000.0, 'Mars': 3689000.0, 'Mercury': 2740000.0, 'Saturn': 70000000.0, 'Venus': 6351800.0}) tuple[list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings], list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings]]

Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by legs with 1 impulsive deep space maneuver (DSM) described using the position formulation.

Function determines the legs and nodes settings of a multi-gravity assist transfer trajectory consisting of: one initial node (departure or swingby), position-based DSM transfer leg(s) connected by swingby nodes, one final (capture or swingby) node. If the departure orbit and arrival orbit are provided as arguments, the initial node is a departure node, and the final node a capture node. If the departure/arrival orbit is not specified, the initial/final node is a swingby node.

  • body_order (list[str]) – List of bodies to visit, including departure body, swingby bodies and arrival body.

  • departure_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the departure orbit. The default values define the first node as a swingby node (instead of a departure node).

  • arrival_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the arrival orbit. The default values define the last node as a swingby node (instead of a capture node).

  • minimum_pericenters (dict[str, float], default=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_PERICENTERS) – Minimum pericenter radii, where each body is specified as key and the respective minimum pericenter radius as value. Default values from Izzo [1].


Tuple specifying the settings of each transfer leg and node.

Return type:

tuple[ list[TransferLegSettings], list[TransferNodeSettings] ]

mga_settings_spherical_shaping_legs(body_order: list[str], root_finder_settings: tudatpy.kernel.math.root_finders.RootFinderSettings, departure_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), arrival_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), lower_bound_free_coefficient: float = nan, upper_bound_free_coefficient: float = nan, initial_value_free_coefficient: float = nan, minimum_pericenters: dict[str, float] = {'Earth': 6678000.0, 'Jupiter': 600000000.0, 'Mars': 3689000.0, 'Mercury': 2740000.0, 'Saturn': 70000000.0, 'Venus': 6351800.0}) tuple[list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings], list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings]]

Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by low-thrust spherical shaping legs.

Function determines the legs and nodes settings of a multi-gravity assist transfer trajectory consisting of: one initial node (departure or swingby), spherical shaping leg(s) connected by swingby nodes, one final (capture or swingby) node. If the departure orbit and arrival orbit are provided as arguments, the initial node is a departure node, and the final node a capture node. If the departure/arrival orbit is not specified, the initial/final node is a swingby node.

  • body_order (list[str]) – List of bodies to visit, including departure body, swingby bodies and arrival body.

  • root_finder_settings (RootFinderSettings) – Settings of the root finder used by the spherical shaping leg when computing the value of the free coefficient that allows meeting the desired time of flight.

  • departure_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the departure orbit. The default values define the first node as a swingby node (instead of a departure node).

  • arrival_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the arrival orbit. The default values define the last node as a swingby node (instead of a capture node).

  • lower_bound_free_coefficient (float, default=TUDAT_NAN) – Lower bound of the possible values for the free coeficient. Parameter is potentially used by the root finder: it must be specified if the selected root finder requires the definition of a lower bound.

  • upper_bound_free_coefficient (float, default=TUDAT_NAN) – Upper bound of the possible values for the free coeficient. Parameter is potentially used by the root finder: it must be specified if the selected root finder requires the definition of an upper bound.

  • initial_value_free_coefficient (float, default=TUDAT_NAN) – Initial guess for the free coeficient. Parameter is potentially used by the root finder: it must be specified if the selected root finder requires the definition of an initial guess.

  • minimum_pericenters (dict[str, float], default=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_PERICENTERS) – Minimum pericenter radii, where each body is specified as key and the respective minimum pericenter radius as value. Default values from Izzo [1].


Tuple specifying the settings of each transfer leg and node.

Return type:

tuple[ list[TransferLegSettings], list[TransferNodeSettings] ]

mga_settings_hodographic_shaping_legs(body_order: list[str], radial_velocity_function_components_per_leg: list[list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.shape_based_thrust.BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]], normal_velocity_function_components_per_leg: list[list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.shape_based_thrust.BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]], axial_velocity_function_components_per_leg: list[list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.shape_based_thrust.BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]], departure_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), arrival_orbit: tuple[float, float] = (nan, nan), minimum_pericenters: dict[str, float] = {'Earth': 6678000.0, 'Jupiter': 600000000.0, 'Mars': 3689000.0, 'Mercury': 2740000.0, 'Saturn': 70000000.0, 'Venus': 6351800.0}) tuple[list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings], list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings]]

Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by low-thrust hodographic shaping legs, with user-provided velocity shaping functions.

Function determines the legs and nodes settings of a multi-gravity assist transfer trajectory consisting of: one initial node (departure or swingby), hodographic shaping leg(s) connected by swingby nodes, one final (capture or swingby) node. If the departure orbit and arrival orbit are provided as arguments, the initial node is a departure node, and the final node a capture node. If the departure/arrival orbit is not specified, the initial/final node is a swingby node.

  • body_order (list[str]) – List of bodies to visit, including departure body, swingby bodies and arrival body.

  • radial_velocity_function_components_per_leg (list[list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]]) – List with the lists of radial velocity function components used in each leg.

  • normal_velocity_function_components_per_leg (list[list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]]) – List with the lists of normal velocity function components used in each leg.

  • axial_velocity_function_components_per_leg (list[list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]]) – List with the lists of axial velocity function components used in each leg.

  • departure_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the departure orbit. The default values define the first node as a swingby node (instead of a departure node).

  • arrival_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the arrival orbit. The default values define the last node as a swingby node (instead of a capture node).

  • minimum_pericenters (dict[str, float], default=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_PERICENTERS) – Minimum pericenter radii, where each body is specified as key and the respective minimum pericenter radius as value. Default values from Izzo [1].


Tuple specifying the settings of each transfer leg and node.

Return type:

tuple[ list[TransferLegSettings], list[TransferNodeSettings] ]

Function to get the legs and nodes settings of a transfer constituted by low-thrust hodographic shaping legs, with user-provided velocity shaping functions.

Function determines the legs and nodes settings of a multi-gravity assist transfer trajectory consisting of: one initial node (departure or swingby), hodographic shaping leg(s) connected by swingby nodes, one final (capture or swingby) node. If the departure orbit and arrival orbit are provided as arguments, the initial node is a departure node, and the final node a capture node. If the departure/arrival orbit is not specified, the initial/final node is a swingby node.

  • body_order (list[str]) – List of bodies to visit, including departure body, swingby bodies and arrival body.

  • radial_velocity_function_components_per_leg (list[list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]]) – List with the lists of radial velocity function components used in each leg.

  • normal_velocity_function_components_per_leg (list[list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]]) – List with the lists of normal velocity function components used in each leg.

  • axial_velocity_function_components_per_leg (list[list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]]) – List with the lists of axial velocity function components used in each leg.

  • departure_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the departure orbit. The default values define the first node as a swingby node (instead of a departure node).

  • arrival_orbit (tuple[float, float], default=(TUDAT_NAN, TUDAT_NAN)) – Tuple of (semi-major axis, eccentricity) specifying the arrival orbit. The default values define the last node as a swingby node (instead of a capture node).

  • minimum_pericenters (dict[str, float], default=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_PERICENTERS) – Minimum pericenter radii, where each body is specified as key and the respective minimum pericenter radius as value. Default values from Izzo [1].


Tuple specifying the settings of each transfer leg and node.

Return type:

tuple[ list[TransferLegSettings], list[TransferNodeSettings] ]

unpowered_leg() tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings

Factory function for creating the settings of an unpowered leg.

Factory function for creating the settings of an unpowered leg; the settings consist of just the leg type. Given the departure and arrival position, this leg computes the departure and arrival velocity using a Lambert targeter. The calculations performed in this leg do not involve any numerical integration, and are solved by (semi-)analytical models. For details see Musegaas, 2012 [2].


Transfer leg settings.

Return type:


dsm_position_based_leg() tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings

Factory function for creating the settings of a transfer leg with 1 impulsive deep space maneuver (DSM) described using the position formulation.

Factory function for creating the settings of a transfer leg with 1 position-based DSM; the settings consist of just the leg type. Given the departure position and the DSM position this leg uses a Lambert targeter to compute the departure velocity and the velocity before the DSM. Given the DSM position and the arrival position, the leg also uses a Lambert targeter to compute the velocity after the DSM and the arrival velocity. The Delta V applied in the DSM is computed using the velocity before and after the DSM. The calculations performed in this leg do not involve any numerical integration, and are solved by (semi-)analytical models. For details see Musegaas, 2012 [2].


Transfer leg settings.

Return type:


dsm_velocity_based_leg() tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings

Factory function for creating the settings of a transfer leg with 1 impulsive deep space maneuver (DSM) described using the velocity formulation.

Factory function for creating the settings of a transfer leg with 1 velocity-based DSM; the settings consist of just the leg type. Given the departure position and velocity this leg “propagates” the Kepler elements until the instant of application of the DSM (giving the position at the DSM and the velocity before the DSM). Given the position of the DSM and the arrival position, it computes the velocity after the DSM (which is used to compute the Delta V applied in the DSM) and the arrival velocity using a Lambert targeter. The calculations performed in this leg do not involve any numerical integration, and are solved by (semi-)analytical models. For details see Musegaas, 2012 [2].


Transfer leg settings.

Return type:


spherical_shaping_leg(root_finder_settings: tudatpy.kernel.math.root_finders.RootFinderSettings, lower_bound_free_coefficient: float = nan, upper_bound_free_coefficient: float = nan, initial_value_free_coefficient: float = nan, time_to_azimuth_interpolator_step_size: float = 86400.0) tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings

Factory function for creating the settings of a low-thrust spherical shaping leg.

Factory function for creating the settings of a low-thrust spherical shaping leg; the settings consist of variables necessary for setting up the root finder and variable to set up an interpolator. The trajectory is determined via spherical shaping, which shapes the position and time history throughout the transfer. The trajectory depends on a single parameter, which is selected using the root finder in order to meet a user-specified time of flight. The calculations performed in this leg do not involve any numerical integration, and are solved by (semi-)analytical models. For details see Roegiers, 2014 [3].

  • root_finder_settings (RootFinderSettings) – Settings of the root finder used by the spherical shaping leg when computing the value of the free coefficient that allows meeting the desired time of flight.

  • lower_bound_free_coefficient (float, default=TUDAT_NAN) – Lower bound of the possible values for the free coeficient. Parameter is potentially used by the root finder: it must be specified if the selected root finder requires the definition of a lower bound.

  • upper_bound_free_coefficient (float, default=TUDAT_NAN) – Upper bound of the possible values for the free coeficient. Parameter is potentially used by the root finder: it must be specified if the selected root finder requires the definition of an upper bound.

  • initial_value_free_coefficient (float, default=TUDAT_NAN) – Initial guess for the free coeficient. Parameter is potentially used by the root finder: it must be specified if the selected root finder requires the definition of an initial guess.

  • time_to_azimuth_interpolator_step_size (float, default=physical_constants::JULIAN_DAY) – Time step size used as reference to define the azimuth values at which the epoch is computed, when defining an interpolator to convert between epoch and azimuth.


Transfer leg settings.

Return type:


hodographic_shaping_leg(radial_velocity_function_components: list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.shape_based_thrust.BaseFunctionHodographicShaping], normal_velocity_function_components: list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.shape_based_thrust.BaseFunctionHodographicShaping], axial_velocity_function_components: list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.shape_based_thrust.BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]) tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings

Factory function for creating the settings of a low-thrust hodographic shaping leg.

Factory function for creating the settings of a low-thrust hodographic shaping leg; the settings consist of the functions used to shape the velocity throughout the transfer. Note that shape functions with at least 3 terms (i.e. 3 degrees of freedom) must be provided for each velocity component (radial, normal and axial); this is required to obtain a trajectory that satisfies the boundary conditions. The calculations performed in this leg do not involve any numerical integration, and are solved by (semi-)analytical models. For details see Gondelach, 2012 [4].

  • radial_velocity_function_components (list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]) – List with components of the radial velocity shaping function, which determine the radial velocity profile throughout the transfer.

  • normal_velocity_function_components (list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]) – List with components of the normal velocity shaping function, which determine the normal velocity profile throughout the transfer.

  • axial_velocity_function_components (list[BaseFunctionHodographicShaping]) – List with components of the axial velocity shaping function, which determine the axial velocity profile throughout the transfer.


Transfer leg settings.

Return type:


swingby_node(minimum_periapsis: float = nan) tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings

Factory function for creating the settings of a swingby node.

Factory function for creating the settings of a swingby node. The settings consist consist of the minimum allowed periapsis radius. The minimum periapsis radius can be set to infinity. In that case, the swingby does not affect the velocity of the spacecraft (e.g. might be relevant for swingbys of small bodies). The exact behavior of this node depends on the types of legs that precede and follow it. Given a known incoming and unknown outgoing velocity, the node forward propagates the gravity assist, possibly with a Delta V at the a periapsis. Given an unknown incoming and known outgoing velocity, the node backward propagates the gravity assist, possibly with a Delta V at the a periapsis. Given known incoming and outgoing velocities, the node computes the Delta V required to meet those. The calculations performed in this node do not involve any numerical integration, and are solved by (semi-)analytical models. For details see Musegaas, 2012 [2].


minimum_periapsis (float, default=TUDAT_NAN) – Minimum periapsis radius. The minimum periapsis only needs to be specified if the types of swignby nodes that requires it is used. If that is the case and no minimum periapsis was selected an error is thrown.


Swingby node settings.

Return type:


departure_node(departure_semi_major_axi    s: float, departure_eccentricity: float) tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings

Factory function for creating the settings of an escape or departure node.

Factory function for creating the settings of an escape or departure node. The settings consist of the departure orbit eccentricity and semi-major axis. Given the initial orbit and the departure velocity, the node computes the Delta V that needs to be applied at the periapsis of the initial orbit to enter the escape trajectory. The calculations performed in this node do not involve any numerical integration, and are solved by (semi-)analytical models. For details see Musegaas, 2012 [2].

  • departure_semi_major_axis (float) – Departure orbit semi-major axis.

  • departure_eccentricity (float) – Departure orbit eccentricity.


Escape or departure node settings.

Return type:


capture_node(capture_semi_major_axis: float, capture_eccentricity: float) tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings

Factory function for creating the settings of a capture or insertion node.

Factory function for creating the settings of a capture or insertion node. The settings consist of the capture orbit eccentricity and semi-major axis. Given the the arrival velocity and the final orbit, the node computes the Delta V that needs to be applied at the periapsis of the final orbit to exit the capture trajectory. The calculations performed in this node do not involve any numerical integration, and are solved by (semi-)analytical models. For details see Musegaas, 2012 [2].

  • capture_semi_major_axis (float) – Capture orbit semi-major axis.

  • capture_eccentricity (float) – Capture orbit eccentricity.


Capture or insertion node settings.

Return type:


print_parameter_definitions(leg_settings: list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings], node_settings: list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings]) None

Prints the list of parameters required to define the transfer trajectory, according to the specified node and leg settings.



Return type:


create_transfer_trajectory(bodies: tudat::simulation_setup::SystemOfBodies, leg_settings: list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLegSettings], node_settings: list[tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferNodeSettings], node_names: list[str], central_body: str) tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferTrajectory

Factory function for creating a transfer trajectory consisting of the specified sequence of transfer nodes and transfer legs.

The function creates a transfer trajectory based on the provided transfer nodes settings and transfer legs settings. The number of nodes should be equal to the number of legs plus 1. This function creates an instance of the TransferTrajectory class.

  • bodies (SystemOfBodies) – System of bodies to be used in the transfer trajectory.

  • leg_settings (list[TransferLegSettings]) – List of transfer leg settings.

  • node_settings (list [TransferNodeSettings]) – List of transfer node settings.

  • node_names (list [str]) – Sequence of bodies used as transfer nodes.

  • central_body (str) – Central body with respect to which the two-body trajectory of the spacecraft is calculated.


Transfer trajectory object.

Return type:




Enumeration of available leg types.

class TransferLegTypes

Enumeration of available leg types.


unpowered_unperturbed_leg_type :

dsm_position_based_leg_type :

dsm_velocity_based_leg_type :

spherical_shaping_low_thrust_leg :

hodographic_low_thrust_leg :

property name



Base class for defining a transfer leg.


Class for defining low-thrust spherical-shaping leg.


Class for defining low-thrust hodographic-shaping leg.


Base class for providing settings for transfer nodes.


Class for defining settings of swingby node.


Class for defining settings of escape and departure node.


Class for defining settings of capture and insertion node.


Base class for providing settings for transfer legs.


Class defining a transfer trajectory constituted by transfer legs and nodes.

class TransferLeg

Base class for defining a transfer leg.

Functional (base) class for transfer legs, requiring the leg type, departure body ephemeris and arrival body ephemeris. Transfer node classes requiring additional information must be created using an object derived from this class.

state_along_trajectory(self: tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferLeg, time_since_leg_beginning: float) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 1]]

No documentation found.

class SphericalShapingLeg

Class for defining low-thrust spherical-shaping leg.

TransferLeg derived class for defining a low-thrust leg described using spherical shaping [3].

class HodographicShapingLeg

Class for defining low-thrust hodographic-shaping leg.

TransferLeg derived class for defining a low-thrust leg described using hodographic shaping [4].

class TransferNodeSettings

Base class for providing settings for transfer nodes.

Functional (base) class for settings of transfer nodes that require no information in addition to their type. Transfer node classes requiring additional information must be created using an object derived from this class.

class SwingbyNodeSettings

Class for defining settings of swingby node.

TransferNodeSettings derived class for providing settings for swingby nodes, which consist of the minimum periapsis radius.

class EscapeAndDepartureNodeSettings

Class for defining settings of escape and departure node.

TransferNodeSettings derived class for providing settings for escape and departure nodes, which consist of the departure semi-major axis and eccentricity.

class CaptureAndInsertionNodeSettings

Class for defining settings of capture and insertion node.

TransferNodeSettings derived class for providing settings for capture and insertion nodes, which consist of the capture semi-major axis and eccentricity.

class TransferLegSettings

Base class for providing settings for transfer legs.

Functional (base) class for settings of transfer legs that require no information in addition to their type.

class TransferTrajectory

Class defining a transfer trajectory constituted by transfer legs and nodes.

Class defining a transfer trajectory constituted by transfer legs and nodes. The object is tipically created using the create_transfer_trajectory function.

evaluate(self: tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferTrajectory, node_times: list[float], leg_parameters: list[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]], node_parameters: list[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]]) None

Evaluate transfer trajectory.

Function to evaluate the transfer trajectory, which consists of computing the transfer Delta V and time of flight, for the specified set of parameters.

  • node_times (list[float]) – List of the time at each node.

  • leg_parameters (list[list[float]]) – List of lists with the parameters characterizing each leg. Each inner list corresponds to the parameters of one leg; if a leg does not require any parameter, its list can contain any value(s), therefore it is recommended to leave it empty.

  • node_parameters (list[list[float]]) – List of lists with the parameters characterizing each node. Each inner list corresponds to the parameters of one node; if a node does not require any parameter, its list can contain any value(s), therefore it is recommended to leave it empty.



Return type:


inertial_thrust_accelerations_along_trajectory(self: tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferTrajectory, number_of_data_points_per_leg: int) dict[float, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]

Returns the inertial thrust acceleration history throughout the trajectory.

Function that returns the inertial thrust acceleration history throughout the trajectory, using the same number of data points in each leg. For each leg, the retrieved thrust accelerations are equally spaced in time. For high-thrust legs (where only impulsive Delta Vs are applied) the thrust acceleration is always zero.


number_of_data_points_per_leg (int) – Number of data points used to describe each leg.


Tuple of (state history, time history).

Return type:


rsw_thrust_accelerations_along_trajectory(self: tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferTrajectory, number_of_data_points_per_leg: int) dict[float, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]

Returns the thrust acceleration history in the RSW frame throughout the trajectory.

Function that returns the thrust acceleration history in the RSW frame throughout the trajectory, using the same number of data points in each leg. For each leg, the retrieved thrust accelerations are equally spaced in time. For high-thrust legs (where only impulsive Delta Vs are applied) the thrust acceleration is always zero.


number_of_data_points_per_leg (int) – Number of data points used to describe each leg.


Tuple of (state history, time history).

Return type:


single_leg_delta_v(self: tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferTrajectory, leg_index: int) float

Retrieves the Delta V applied in the specified leg.


leg_index (int) – Index of the leg for which the Delta V is to be retrieved.


Delta V for the specified leg.

Return type:


single_node_delta_v(self: tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferTrajectory, node_index: int) float

Retrieves the Delta V applied in the specified node.


node_index (int) – Index of the node for which the Delta V to be is retrieved.


Delta V for the specified node.

Return type:


states_along_trajectory(self: tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferTrajectory, number_of_data_points_per_leg: int) dict[float, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 1]]]

Returns the state history throughout the trajectory.

Function that returns the state history throughout the trajectory, using the same number of data points in each leg. For each leg, the retrieved states are equally spaced in time.


number_of_data_points_per_leg (int) – Number of data points used to describe each leg.


Tuple of (state history, time history).

Return type:


tnw_thrust_accelerations_along_trajectory(self: tudatpy.kernel.trajectory_design.transfer_trajectory.TransferTrajectory, number_of_data_points_per_leg: int) dict[float, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]

Returns the thrust acceleration history in the TNW frame throughout the trajectory.

Function that returns the thrust acceleration history in the TNW frame throughout the trajectory, using the same number of data points in each leg. For each leg, the retrieved thrust accelerations are equally spaced in time. For high-thrust legs (where only impulsive Delta Vs are applied) the thrust acceleration is always zero.


number_of_data_points_per_leg (int) – Number of data points used to describe each leg.


Tuple of (state history, time history).

Return type:


property delta_v


Total Delta V used in the transfer trajectory.



property delta_v_per_leg


List of the Delta V applied in each leg.



property delta_v_per_node


List of the Delta V applied in each node.



property legs

No documentation found.

property number_of_legs


Number of legs in the transfer trajectory.



property number_of_nodes


Number of nodes in the transfer trajectory.



property time_of_flight


Total time of flight of the transfer trajectory.

