
This module contains a set of factory functions for setting up the rotation models of celestial bodies in an environment.


simple(base_frame, target_frame, ...)

Factory function for creating simple rotation model settings.

simple_from_spice(base_frame, target_frame, ...)

Factory function for creating simple rotation model settings using initial orientation and rotation rates from Spice.

synchronous(central_body_name, base_frame, ...)

Factory function for creating synchronous rotational ephemeris settings.

spice(base_frame, target_frame)

Factory function for creating rotation model settings from the Spice interface.

gcrs_to_itrs(precession_nutation_theory, ...)

Factory function for creating high-accuracy Earth rotation model settings.

constant_rotation_model(base_frame, ...)

Factory function for creating simple rotation model settings for target-frames with constant orientation.

aerodynamic_angle_based(central_body, ...[, ...])

Factory function for creating rotation model settings based on custom aerodynamic angles (attack, sideslip, bank).


Factory function for creating rotation model settings based on an angle of attack calculated from pitch-trim, and custom aerodynamic angles sideslip, bank.

custom_inertial_direction_based(...[, ...])

Factory function for creating rotation model settings where the body-fixed x-axis is imposed to lie in a user-defined inertial direction

orbital_state_direction_based(central_body, ...)

Factory function for creating rotation model settings where the body-fixed x-axis is imposed to lie in the direction of a relative position or velocity vector.

mars_high_accuracy([base_frame, target_frame])

Factory function for creating a high-accuracy Mars rotation model.

simple(base_frame: str, target_frame: str, initial_orientation: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]], initial_time: float, rotation_rate: float) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating simple rotation model settings.

Factory function for settings object, defining a basic rotation model with constant orientation of the rotation axis and constant rotation rate about this axis. Rotation from original (inertial) to target (body-fixed) frame at some reference time initial_time (\(t_{0}\)) is defined by the initial_orientation (\(\mathbf{R}^{(B/I)}(t_{0})\)) rotation matrix. Rotation about the body-fixed z-axis is defined by the rotation_rate (\(\omega\)) float variable (in rad/s). The rotation matrix is computed from:


where \(\mathbf{R}^{(B/I)}\) denotes the rotation matrix from inertial to body-fixed frame, and \(\mathbf{R}_{z}\) denotes a rotaion matrix about the z-axis.

The matrix \(\mathbf{R}^{(B/I)}(t_{0})\) is sometimes parameterized by pole right ascension and declination (\(\alpha\) and \(\delta\)), as well as the meridian of date \(W_{0}\) with

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Name of the target frame of rotation model.

  • initial_orientation (numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]]) – Orientation of target frame in base frame at initial time.

  • initial_time (float) – Initial time (reference epoch for rotation matrices).

  • rotation_rate (float) – Constant rotation rate [rad/s] about rotational axis.


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived SimpleRotationModelSettings class

Return type:



In this example, we create RotationModelSettings for Earth, using a simple rotation model with constant orientation of the rotation axis (body-fixed z-axis), and constant rotation rate about this axis:

# Set parameters describing the rotation between the two frames
initial_orientation = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
initial_time = 12345 # [sec since J2000]
rotation_rate = 2e-5 # [rad/s]
original_frame = "J2000"
target_frame = "Earth_Fixed_Simplified"
# Create the rotation model settings and assign to body settings of "Earth"
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.simple(
simple_from_spice(base_frame: str, target_frame: str, target_frame_spice: str, initial_time: float) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating simple rotation model settings using initial orientation and rotation rates from Spice.

Factory function for settings object, defining a simple() rotation model with the added functionality that the initial orientation and rotation rate are extracted from Spice, as opposed to provided manually. Note that only the initial orientation and rotation rate ( at the time defined by initial_time ) are extracted from Spice - for the full Spice rotation model see spice(). Also note the distinction between the target_frame and target_frame_spice parameters.

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Target frame of rotation model - name of frame that Tudat assigns to the body-fixed frame

  • target_frame_spice (str) – Spice reference of target frame - name of the frame in Spice for which the initial orientation and rotation rate are extracted.

  • initial_time (float) – Initial time (reference epoch for rotation matrices).


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived SimpleRotationModelSettings class

Return type:



In order to create a SimpleRotationModelSettings object which describes a synchronous rotation w.r.t. some central_body, we require an ephemeris_settings attribute to the BodySettings object of the central_body.


In this example, we create RotationModelSettings for Earth, using a simple rotation model with constant orientation of the rotation axis (body-fixed z-axis), and constant rotation rate about this axis. The initial orientation and rotation rate are extracted from Spice at the time defined by initial_time:

# set parameters for time at which initial data is extracted from spice
initial_time = 12345
# set parameters for defining the rotation between frames
original_frame = "J2000"
target_frame = "IAU_Earth_Simplified"
target_frame_spice = "IAU_Earth"
# create rotation model settings and assign to body settings of "Earth"
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.simple_from_spice(
original_frame, target_frame, target_frame_spice, initial_time)
synchronous(central_body_name: str, base_frame: str, target_frame: str) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating synchronous rotational ephemeris settings.

Factory function for settings object, defining a synchronous rotation model where rotation of a body is defined from its relative orbit w.r.t. some central body. Specifically - the body-fixed x-axis is always pointing towards the central body - the body-fixed z-axis is always perpendicular to the orbital plane (along the direction of \(\mathbf{x}\times\mathbf{v}\) ) - the body-fixed y-axis completes the right-handed reference frame

Such a model can be useful for, for instance, approximate rotation of tidally locked natural satellites or nadir-pointing spacecraft.

  • central_body_name (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Spice reference of target frame.


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived SynchronousRotationModelSettings class

Return type:



In this example, we create RotationModelSettings for the martian moon Phobos, We do so by assigning a synchronous rotation model to the rotation model settings of Phobos, using in this case "ECLIPJ2000" as the base frame, and "Phobos_Fixed" as the target frame.

# define parameters describing the synchronous rotation model
central_body_name = "Mars"
original_frame = "ECLIPJ2000"
target_frame = "Phobos_Fixed"
# create rotation model settings for target frame and assign to body settings of "Phobos"
body_settings.get( "Phobos" ).rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.synchronous(
central_body_name, original_frame, target_frame)
spice(base_frame: str, target_frame: str) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating rotation model settings from the Spice interface.

Factory function for settings object, defining a rotation model directly (and entirely) from Spice interface.

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Name of the target frame of rotation model.


Instance of RotationModelSettings class.

Return type:



In this example, we create RotationModelSettings for Earth, using full rotation model data from Spice:

# define parameters describing the rotation between frames
original_frame = "J2000"
target_frame = "IAU_Earth"
# create rotation model settings and assign to body settings of "Earth"
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.spice(
original_frame, target_frame)
gcrs_to_itrs(precession_nutation_theory: tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.IAUConventions = <IAUConventions.iau_2006: 2>, base_frame: str = 'GCRS') tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating high-accuracy Earth rotation model settings.

Factory function for settings object, defining high-accuracy Earth rotation model according to the IERS 2010 Conventions. This settings class has various options to deviate from the default settings, typical applications will use default. Note that for this model the original frame must be J2000 or GCRS (in the case of the former, the frame bias between GCRS and J2000 is automatically corrected for). The target frame (e.g. body-fixed frame) name is ITRS. The precession-nutation theory may be any member of IAUConventions (iau_2000a / iau_2000b or iau_2006). Alternative options to modify the input (not shown here) include the EOP correction file, input time scale, short period UT1 and polar motion variations. The target frame (e.g. body-fixed frame) name is ITRS.

  • precession_nutation_theory (IAUConventions, default=tba::iau_2006) – Setting theory for modelling Earth nutation.

  • base_frame (str, default='GCRS') – Base frame of rotation model


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived GcrsToItrsRotationModelSettings class

Return type:



In this example, we create RotationModelSettings for Earth, using a high-accuracy Earth rotation model as defined by IERS 2010 conventions:

# define parameters describing the rotation between frames
precession_nutation_theory = environment_setup.rotation_model.IAUConventions.iau_2006
original_frame = "J2000"
# create rotation model settings and assign to body settings of "Earth"
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.gcrs_to_itrs(
precession_nutation_theory, original_frame)
constant_rotation_model(base_frame: str, target_frame: str, initial_orientation: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]]) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating simple rotation model settings for target-frames with constant orientation.

Factory function for settings object, defining simple rotation model setting objects with constant rotation matrix. These model settings are for target frames which do not have a rotational rate in the base frame and are fully defined by their initial orientation.

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Name of the target frame of rotation model.

  • initial_orientation (numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]]) – Rotation matrix from inertial to body-fixed (base to target) frame at initial time (constant throughout).


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived SimpleRotationModelSettings class.

Return type:



In this example, we create RotationModelSettings for Earth, using a constant rotation matrix between Earth-fixed and inertial frame:

# define parameters describing the constant orientation between frames
original_frame = "ECLIPJ2000"
target_frame = "Earth_fixed"
constant_orientation = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# create rotation model settings and assign to body settings of "Earth"
body_settings.get( "Earth" ).rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.constant(
    constant_orientation )
aerodynamic_angle_based(central_body: str, base_frame: str, target_frame: str, angle_funcion: Callable[[float], numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]] = None) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating rotation model settings based on custom aerodynamic angles (attack, sideslip, bank).

Factory function for creating rotation model settings based on custom aerodynamic angles: angle of attack \(\alpha\), sideslip angle \(\beta\) and bank angle \(\sigma\). The use of this function is typical for simulating the dynamics of a (guided) re-entry vehicle. It calculates the rotation matrix from inertial frame to the body-fixed frame of the current body B (typically a vehicle) w.r.t. the body-fixed frame of a central body C (e.g., the body at which the re-entry is taking place. The full algorithm for \(R^{(I/B)}\) is described by Mooij (1994), and is composed of:

  • The rotation from inertial frame to the body fixed frame of body C, using the existing rotation model of body C

  • The rotation from body-fixed frame of body C to the vehicle’s vertical frame V. This rotation uses the current latitude and longitude angles.

  • The rotation of the vehicle’s vertical frame V to its trajectory frame T. This rotation uses the current heading and flight path angles.

  • The rotation of the vehicle’s trajectory frame T to its aerodynamic frame A. This rotation uses the current bank angle

  • The rotation of the vehicle’s aerodynamic frame A to its body-fixed frame. This rotation uses the current angle of attack and sideslip angles

In the above algorithm, the latitude, longitude, heading and flight-path angles are computed from the vehicle’s current translational state, in the body-fixed frame of body C. The angle of attack, sideslip angle and bank angle are to be defined by the user, through a single custom function that is passed to the angle_function argument of this functions

  • central_body (str) – Name of the central body C that is to be used.

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Name of the target frame of rotation model.

  • angle_function (Callable[[float], numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]], default = None) – Custom function provided by the user, which returns an array of three values as a function of time. The output of this function must be ordered as \([\alpha,\beta,\sigma]\). If this input is left empty, these angles are both fixed to 0.


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived CustomRotationModelSettings class, which defines the required settings for the rotation model.

Return type:


zero_pitch_moment_aerodynamic_angle_based(central_body: str, base_frame: str, target_frame: str, angle_funcion: Callable[[float], numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]] = None) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating rotation model settings based on an angle of attack calculated from pitch-trim, and custom aerodynamic angles sideslip, bank.

Factory function for creating rotation model settings based on an angle of attack calculated from pitch-trim, and custom aerodynamic angles sideslip, bank. This function is largely identical to the aerodynamic_angle_based(), with the difference that the angle of attack \(\alpha\) is not provided as a custom value by the user, but is calculated from the body’s aerodynamic moment coefficients, such that we have \(C_{m}=0\). This requires aerodynamic moment coefficients to be defined for the vehicle that depend on (among others) the body’s angle of attack

  • central_body (str) – Name of the central body C that is to be used.

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Name of the target frame of rotation model.

  • angle_funcion (Callable[[float], numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]], default = None) – Custom function provided by the user, which returns an array of three values as a function of time. The output of this function must be ordered as \([\beta,\sigma]\). If this input is left empty, these angles are both fixed to 0.


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived CustomRotationModelSettings class, which defines the required settings for the rotation model.

Return type:


custom_inertial_direction_based(inertial_body_axis_direction: Callable[[float], numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]], base_frame: str, target_frame: str, free_rotation_angle_function: Callable[[float], float] = None) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating rotation model settings where the body-fixed x-axis is imposed to lie in a user-defined inertial direction

Factory function for creating rotation model settings where the body-fixed x-axis is imposed to lie in a user-defined inertial direction \(\hat{\mathbf{T}}_{I}\). Specifically, it ensures that the rotation matrix from body-fixed to inertial frame is set up such that \(\hat{\mathbf{T}}_{I}=R^{(I/B)}\hat{\mathbf{i}}\) (where \(\mathbf{i}\) is the unit-vector in local x-direction). The complete rotation matrix requires an additional angle \(\phi\) (rotation of the body about its body-fixed x-axis), which is set to 0 by default.

The full rotation matrix is computed from a 3-2-1 Euler angle rotation \(R^{(I/B)}=R_{z}(\psi)R_{y}(\theta)R_{x}(\phi)\), with \(\psi\) and \(\theta\) computed from the suitable decomposition of \(\hat{\mathbf{T}}_{I}\). This function is typically used for simulating the (guided) dynamics of a spacecraft under thrust, where the thrust is provided in the x-direction of the body-fixed frame. By providing a suitable inertial_body_axis_direction, this thrust can be defined to point in an arbitrary direction (typically defined by a guidance algorithm) in the inertial frame as a function of time.

NOTE: this function may be extended in the future to allow an arbitrary body-fixed direction to align with an arbitrary inertial direction. At present, its functionality is limited to imposing the inertial direction of the body-fixed x-axis.

  • inertial_body_axis_direction (Callable[[float], numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]) – Custom function defined by the user, which imposes the inertial orientation of the body-fixed x-axis, by providing \(\hat{\mathbf{T}}_{I}(t)\).

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Name of the target frame of rotation model.

  • free_rotation_angle_function (Callable[[float], float], default = None) – Custom function provided by the user, which returns a value for the free rotation angle \(\phi\) about the body-fixed x-axis as a function of time. If this input is left empty, this angle is fixed to 0.


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived BodyFixedDirectionBasedRotationSettings class, which defines the required settings for the rotation model.

Return type:


orbital_state_direction_based(central_body: str, is_colinear_with_velocity: bool, direction_is_opposite_to_vector: bool, base_frame: str, target_frame: str = '', free_rotation_angle_function: Callable[[float], float] = None) tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating rotation model settings where the body-fixed x-axis is imposed to lie in the direction of a relative position or velocity vector.

Factory function for creating rotation model settings where the body-fixed x-axis is imposed to lie in the direction of a relative position or velocity vector. This function is similar to the custom_inertial_direction_based() function, with the exception that the \(\hat{\mathbf{T}}_{I}\) vector is not defined by thee user, but is defined by the relative position vector \(\mathbf{r}_{C}\) or velocity vector \(\mathbf{r}_{C}\) of the vehicle w.r.t. some body C. The inputs to this function allow \(\hat{\mathbf{T}}_{I}\) to be set to \(\pm\mathbf{r}_{C}\) or \(\pm\mathbf{v}_{C}\), for any body C. It is typically used for simplified or preliminary thrust analyses.

  • central_body (str) – Name of central body w.r.t. which the position/velocity vector is to be computed

  • is_colinear_with_velocity (bool) – Boolean defining whether \(\hat{\mathbf{T}}_{I}\) is to be aligned with velocity (if true) or position (if false)

  • direction_is_opposite_to_vector (bool) – Boolean defining whether \(\hat{\mathbf{T}}_{I}\) is to be in the same direction as position/velocity (if false), or in the opposite direction (if true).

  • base_frame (str) – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str) – Name of the target frame of rotation model.

  • free_rotation_angle_function (Callable[[float], float], default = None) – Custom function provided by the user, which returns a value for the free rotation angle \(\phi\) about the body-fixed x-axis as a function of time. If this input is left empty, this angle is fixed to 0.


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived BodyFixedDirectionBasedRotationSettings class, which defines the required settings for the rotation model.

Return type:


mars_high_accuracy(base_frame: str = 'ECLIPJ2000', target_frame: str = 'Mars_Fixed') tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.rotation_model.RotationModelSettings#

Factory function for creating a high-accuracy Mars rotation model.

Factory function for creating a high-accuracy Mars rotation model, using the default parameters of Konopliv et al. (2016) and the mathematical model of ` Konopliv et al. (2006) <>`_. The rotation matrix formulation is given in Eq. (13)-(19) of that paper. Note that, at the moment, all parameters in this rotation model are hard coded, and cannot be adapted by the user (except by estimating a number of its constituent parameters, see parameter module ) As such, this model is at present applicable to Mars rotation only. If you require more fine-grained control of the parameters, please contact the Tudat support team

  • base_frame (str, default = "ECLIPJ2000") – Name of the base frame of rotation model.

  • target_frame (str, default = "Mars_Fixed") – Name of the target frame of rotation model.


Instance of the RotationModelSettings derived PlanetaryRotationModelSettings class, which defines the required settings for the rotation model.

Return type:




Enumeration of rotation model types.


Enumeration of IAU conventions for Earth rotation.

class RotationModelType#

Enumeration of rotation model types.

Enumeration of rotation model types supported by tudat.


simple_rotational_model : No documentation found.

spice_rotation_model :

gcrs_to_itrs_rotation_model :

synchronous_rotation_model :

planetary_rotation_model :

property name#
class IAUConventions#

Enumeration of IAU conventions for Earth rotation.

Enumeration of IAU conventions for Earth rotation supported by tudat.


iau_2000_a :

iau_2000_b :

iau_2006 :

property name#



Base class for providing settings for automatic rotation model creation.

class RotationModelSettings#

Base class for providing settings for automatic rotation model creation.

This class is a functional base class for settings of rotation models that require no information in addition to their type. Basic rotation model has constant orientation of the rotation axis (body-fixed z-axis) and constant rotation rate about this axis. Rotation models requiring additional information must be created using the factory functions which create the specific object derived from this base class.

property base_frame#

Name of the base frame of rotation model.



property rotation_type#


Type of rotation model that is to be created.



property target_frame#


Name of the target frame of rotation model.

