
This module contains a set of functions to download: - spice kernels - radio doppler data (IFMS, ODF) - ancillary files

for the the following supported missions: - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) - Mars Express (MEX) - JUpiter ICy-moons Explorer (JUICE) - Cassini - Grail (Grail-A and Grail-B)


class LoadPDS[source]
add_custom_mission_kernel_pattern(input_mission, custom_kernel_type, custom_pattern)[source]

Allows users to define and add custom regex patterns for a specific mission to the list of supported patterns. Once added, the custom pattern can be used for mission data file matching.

  • input_mission (str): The name of the mission for which the custom pattern is defined.

  • custom_kernel_type: the name of kernel type (eg ‘ck’., ‘spk’, etc…)

  • custom_pattern (str): The regular expression pattern that will be associated with the mission kernel.

  • dict: The updated supported_patterns dictionary containing the new custom pattern.


  • This function updates the supported__kernel_patterns dictionary with the new mission and its associated pattern.

  • Custom patterns can be added dynamically at runtime.

add_custom_mission_kernel_url(input_mission, url)[source]

Allows users to define and add custom regex patterns for a specific mission to the list of supported patterns. Once added, the custom pattern can be used for mission data file matching.

  • input_mission (str): The name of the mission for which the custom pattern is defined.

  • url (str): The url that will be associated with the mission.

  • dict: The updated supported_mission_kernels_url dictionary containing the new custom pattern.


  • This function updates the supported_mission_kernels_url dictionary with the new mission and its associated pattern.

  • Custom patterns can be added dynamically at runtime.

add_custom_mission_meta_kernel_pattern(input_mission, custom_pattern)[source]

Allows users to define and add custom regex patterns for a specific mission to the list of supported patterns. Once added, the custom pattern can be used for mission data file matching.

  • input_mission (str): The name of the mission for which the custom pattern is defined.

  • custom_pattern (str): The regular expression pattern that will be associated with the mission.

  • dict: The updated supported_mission_kernel_pattern dictionary containing the new custom pattern.


  • This function updates the supported_mission_kernel_pattern dictionary with the new mission and its associated pattern.

  • Custom patterns can be added dynamically at runtime.

add_custom_mission_meta_kernel_url(input_mission, url)[source]

Allows users to define and add custom regex patterns for a specific mission to the list of supported patterns. Once added, the custom pattern can be used for mission data file matching.

  • input_mission (str): The name of the mission for which the custom pattern is defined.

  • url (str): The url that will be associated with the mission.

  • dict: The updated supported_mission_meta_kernel_url dictionary containing the new custom pattern.


  • This function updates the supported_mission_meta_kernel_url dictionary with the new mission and its associated pattern.

  • Custom patterns can be added dynamically at runtime.


Description: Returns the experiment data for a given flyby ID from the cassini_titan_flyby_dict. If the provided flyby ID exists in the dictionary, it retrieves the corresponding data; otherwise, it returns a message indicating that the flyby ID was not found.

  • flyby_ID (str): The identifier for a specific flyby.

  • dict or str: The experiment data associated with the provided flyby ID if found, otherwise a message stating that the flyby ID was not found.

check_existing_files(data_type, local_subfolder, start_date, end_date)[source]

Checks the local directory for files that match a given pattern and fall within a specified date range. This function filters and returns the files that already exist locally, based on their extensions and matching patterns.

  • data_type (str): The type of data (e.g., ‘ck’, ‘spk’).

  • local_subfolder (str): Path to the local directory where the files are stored.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date of the time interval for which files are required.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date of the time interval for which files are required.

  • self.existing_files (list): A list of paths to the files that already exist and match the given pattern.


Cleans up the mission archive by removing empty subdirectories within the specified local folder.

  • local_folder (str): Path to the local folder where the archive is stored.

  • None: This function does not return any value. It performs in-place directory cleanup.

download_url_files_time(local_path, filename_format, start_date, end_date, url, time_format, indices_date_filename)[source]

Downloads files within a specified time interval from a given URL. The function checks for existing files locally, identifies missing files for the given time interval, and downloads them if necessary. It handles cases where files are organized in nested folders at the target URL.

  • local_path (str): The local directory path where files will be stored.

  • filename_format (str): The format of the filenames to be downloaded, with date placeholders and optional folder structure.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date of the time interval for which files are needed.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date of the time interval for which files are needed.

  • url (str): The base URL from which the files will be downloaded.

  • time_format (str): The format string used to represent dates in the filenames (e.g., ‘%Y%m%d’).

  • indices_date_filename (list[int]): A list of indices indicating where date strings are embedded within the filename format.

  • self.relevant_files (list): A list of local file paths for files that were either already present or successfully downloaded.


- Exception – If the filename_format contains more than one folder.

dynamic_download_url_files_single_time(input_mission, local_path, start_date, end_date, url)[source]

Downloads files for a single time interval based on specified mission parameters and date range. It checks if the files already exist locally, and if not, attempts to download them from the specified URL. The filenames are matched to supported patterns, and relevant files are downloaded if they are not already present.

  • input_mission (str): The name of the mission (e.g., ‘cassini’, ‘mro’).

  • local_path (str): The local directory where the files should be saved.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date of the time interval for which files are required.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date of the time interval for which files are required.

  • url (str): The base URL where the files are hosted.

  • self.relevant_files (list): A list of paths to the files that were either already present or successfully downloaded.

dynamic_download_url_files_time_interval(input_mission, local_path, start_date, end_date, url)[source]

Downloads files within a specified time interval from a given URL, checking if the files already exist locally before downloading them. This function is typically used to download mission data files for a specific time range, ensuring that files are only downloaded if they are not already present.

  • input_mission (str): The name of the mission (e.g., ‘cassini’, ‘mro’).

  • local_path (str): The directory path where files will be stored locally.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date of the time interval for which files are required.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date of the time interval for which files are required.

  • url (str): The base URL for downloading the files.

  • self.relevant_files (list): A list of local file paths for the files that were either found or successfully downloaded.


Fetches a meta-kernel file from an HTTPS URL and categorizes kernel files by type using the type-to-extension mapping.


input_mission (str) – e.g. ‘mex’, ‘mro’, ‘juice’, etc…


A dictionary categorizing kernel files by type based on type_to_extension.

Return type:


format_datetime_to_string(date, format_key)[source]

Converts a datetime object to a string based on a specified format key from a list of supported formats. The function maps the provided format key (e.g., “YYMMDD”, “YYYY-jjj”) to a corresponding strftime format string and then formats the given datetime object accordingly.

  • date (datetime): The datetime object to be formatted.

  • format_key (str): A key from the supported_time_formats dictionary that specifies the desired output format.

  • str: The formatted date string according to the specified format key.


The function supports several predefined date formats, such as: - “YYMMDD”: e.g., 220101 - “YYYYjjj”: e.g., 2022323 - “YYYY-MM-DD”: e.g., 2022-03-15 If the provided format_key is not in the supported formats, an error message is printed.


Attempts to convert a given date string into a datetime object using multiple supported time formats. The function iterates over a list of predefined date formats (e.g., %y%m%d, %Y%j, %Y_%j) and tries each format until it successfully parses the date. This is used throughout the code to handle various date formats from different mission data files.

  • date (str): The date string to be parsed.

  • datetime: The parsed datetime object if a matching format is found, or None if no format matches.


The function supports multiple date formats, such as: - YYMMDD (e.g., 220101) - YYYYjjj (e.g., 2022323) - YYYY_MM_DD (e.g., 2022_03_15) - And others, tailored for specific mission data. If no matching format is found, the function silently skips to the next format without throwing an error.


Description: Constructs the URL for the cumulative index (CUMINDEX.TAB) file associated with a specific flyby experiment. The function extracts the ‘experiment’ and ‘cumindex_repo’ (or ‘pds_repo’) values from the provided flyby_dict to build the URL. It then checks if the URL exists by sending a HEAD request. If the URL is valid (status code 200), it returns the URL; otherwise, it attempts an alternative URL and returns it if valid. If neither URL is found, it returns None and prints an error message.

  • flyby_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data for a specific flyby, including the ‘experiment’ and ‘cumindex_repo’ (or ‘pds_repo’) keys used to construct the cumulative index URL.

  • str or None: The constructed cumulative index URL if it exists; otherwise, None if the URL is not found or an error occurs.


Description: Downloads Cassini mission data files related to a specific flyby, including kernel, ancillary, and radio science files. The function fetches the cumulative index table and identifies the relevant files for download based on the provided flyby ID. It handles the file download process, ensuring that files are downloaded only if they are not already present in the specified local folder.

  • local_folder (str): The path to the local directory where files should be downloaded.

  • kernel_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary containing kernel files (e.g., ck, spk).

  • radio_science_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary containing radio science files (e.g., odf).

  • ancillary_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary containing ancillary files (e.g., ion, tro, eop).


Description: Retrieves the PDS (Planetary Data System) repository URL for a given flyby experiment. The function extracts the ‘experiment’ value from the provided flyby_dict and constructs the URL based on that information. It then checks whether the constructed URL exists by sending a HEAD request. If the URL is valid (status code 200), the function returns the URL; otherwise, it returns None and prints an error message.

  • flyby_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data for a specific flyby, including the ‘experiment’ key used to construct the URL.

  • str or None: The constructed PDS repository URL if it exists; otherwise, None if the URL is not found or an error occurs.


Description: Returns a list of flyby IDs corresponding to either Titan or Enceladus. If the provided moon name is ‘titan’, it returns the flyby IDs from the cassini_titan_flyby_dict; if the name is ‘enceladus’, it returns the flyby IDs from the enceladus_flyby_dict. If the input moon name is invalid, an error is raised.

  • moon (str): The name of the moon (‘titan’ or ‘enceladus’) for which flyby IDs should be retrieved.

  • list: A list of flyby IDs corresponding to the provided moon. If the moon name is invalid, a ValueError is raised.


Description: Constructs the URL for the cumulative index (CUMINDEX.TAB) file associated with a specific flyby experiment. The function extracts the ‘experiment’ and ‘cumindex_repo’ (or ‘pds_repo’) values from the provided flyby_dict to build the URL. It then checks if the URL exists by sending a HEAD request. If the URL is valid (status code 200), it returns the URL; otherwise, it attempts an alternative URL and returns it if valid. If neither URL is found, it returns None and prints an error message.

  • flyby_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data for a specific flyby, including the ‘experiment’ and ‘cumindex_repo’ (or ‘pds_repo’) keys used to construct the cumulative index URL.

  • str or None: The constructed cumulative index URL if it exists; otherwise, None if the URL is not found or an error occurs.


Returns the file extension corresponding to a given data type.

  • data_type (str): The data type (e.g., ‘ck’, ‘spk’, ‘odf’, etc.).

  • str or None: The corresponding file extension for the data type if supported, otherwise None.

get_grail_a_files(local_folder, start_date, end_date)[source]

Description: Downloads various SPICE kernel and ancillary files for the GRAIL-A mission, including clock, frame, orientation, and SPK kernels, based on a specified date range. Files are saved in the provided local folder.

  • local_folder (str): Path to the local folder where files will be saved.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date for the data retrieval.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date for the data retrieval.

  • kernel_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary containing the loaded kernel files, categorized by type (e.g., ‘sclk’, ‘fk’, ‘ck’, ‘spk’).

  • radio_science_files_to_load (dict): An empty dictionary for now, intended for radio science files.

  • ancillary_files_to_load (dict): An empty dictionary for now, intended for ancillary files.

get_grail_b_files(local_folder, start_date, end_date)[source]

Description: Downloads various SPICE kernel and ancillary files for the GRAIL_B mission, including clock, frame, orientation, and SPK kernels, based on a specified date range. Files are saved in the provided local folder.

  • local_folder (str): Path to the local folder where files will be saved.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date for the data retrieval.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date for the data retrieval.

  • kernel_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary containing the loaded kernel files, categorized by type (e.g., ‘sclk’, ‘fk’, ‘ck’, ‘spk’).

  • radio_science_files_to_load (dict): An empty dictionary for now, intended for radio science files.

  • ancillary_files_to_load (dict): An empty dictionary for now, intended for ancillary files.

get_juice_files(local_folder, start_date, end_date)[source]

Description: Downloads various SPICE kernel and ancillary files for the JUICE mission, including clock, frame, orientation, and SPK kernels, based on a specified date range. Files are saved in the provided local folder.

  • local_folder (str): Path to the local folder where files will be saved.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date for the data retrieval.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date for the data retrieval.

  • kernel_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary containing the loaded kernel files, categorized by type (e.g., ‘sclk’, ‘fk’, ‘ck’, ‘spk’).

  • radio_science_files_to_load (dict): An empty dictionary for now, intended for radio science files.

  • ancillary_files_to_load (dict): An empty dictionary for now, intended for ancillary files.

get_kernels(input_mission, url, wanted_files=None, wanted_files_patterns=None, custom_output=None)[source]

Downloads specific SPICE kernel files or files matching a pattern from a given URL to a local directory if they do not already exist locally.

  • input_mission (str): The name of the mission

  • url (str): The base URL where the kernel files are hosted.

  • wanted_files (list, optional): A list of specific filenames to be downloaded from the URL.

  • wanted_files_pattern (str, optional): A pattern (e.g., ‘*.tf’) to match filenames for downloading.

  • custom_output (str, optional): The local directory where the downloaded files will be stored.

  • list: A list of full file paths for the downloaded (or already existing) kernel files.


Finds the most recent meta-kernel file URL based on year and version.


base_url (str) – The base URL containing meta-kernel file links.


The URL of the most recent meta-kernel file.

Return type:



Description: Fetches and parses phase information for MRO SPK kernels from a given URL. It extracts the phase name along with the associated start and end dates, and returns a dictionary mapping date intervals to phase names.

  • url (str): The URL from which to fetch the phase information.

  • phase_dict (dict): A dictionary where the keys are tuples representing date intervals (start_date, end_date), and the values are dictionaries containing the SPK phase ID (spk_ID).

get_mex_files(local_folder, start_date, end_date)[source]

Description: This function downloads and organizes various types of SPICE kernels and radio science files for the MEX (Mars Express) mission. It supports downloading kernel files related to radio science, clock data, frame data, SPK (spacecraft position) data, CK (orientation) data, and tropospheric/ionospheric correction files. The function interacts with remote FTP servers to retrieve the data and organizes them into the specified local folder. The data is filtered by a given date range, and the function returns the downloaded files for further use.

  • local_folder (str): The local directory where the downloaded files will be saved.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date for downloading data. This will filter the data to include only those within the date range.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date for downloading data. This will filter the data to include only those within the date range.

  • (dict, dict, dict): A tuple containing:
    • kernel_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary where the keys are kernel types

    (e.g., ‘ck’, ‘spk’, ‘fk’, ‘sclk’) and values are lists of paths to the successfully downloaded and loaded kernel files. - radio_science_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary where keys are categories of radio science data (e.g., ‘ifms_dp2’, ‘dsn_dps’) and values are lists of paths to the successfully downloaded radio science files. - ancillary_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary where keys are categories of ancillary data (e.g., ‘ion’, ‘tropospheric’) and values are lists of paths to the successfully downloaded ancillary files, such as tropospheric and ionospheric corrections.


Description: Fetches data from a given URL and extracts volume ID, date range, and observation type for the Mars Express mission. The data is returned as a dictionary mapping date intervals to volume IDs and metadata.

  • url (str): The URL from which to fetch the data (plain text format).

  • mapping_dict (dict): A dictionary where keys are tuples of (start_date_utc, end_date_utc), and values are dictionaries with:

    • volume_id (str): The volume ID.

    • start_date_file (str): Start date (YYYY-MM-DD).

    • end_date_file (str): End date (YYYY-MM-DD).

    • observation_type (str): Type of observation.

get_mission_files(input_mission, start_date=None, end_date=None, flyby_IDs=None, custom_output=None, all_meta_kernel_files=None, load_kernels=None)[source]

Description: This function downloads and organizes mission-specific data files (kernels, radio science files, and ancillary files) for a specified space mission. It supports downloading data for multiple missions such as Cassini, MEX, JUICE, and MRO. The function also allows for downloading files within a specific date range or for specific flybys (in the case of Cassini). It automatically creates the necessary folder structure for storing the downloaded data and loads the files into the SPICE kernel system.

  • input_mission (str): The name of the space mission for which to download the data. Valid values include:
    • ‘cassini’

    • ‘mex’

    • ‘juice’

    • ‘mro’

  • start_date (datetime, optional): The start date for downloading data. If not provided, data is not filtered by date.

  • end_date (datetime, optional): The end date for downloading data. If not provided, data is not filtered by date.

  • flyby_IDs (list or str, optional): A list of flyby IDs (e.g., [‘T101’, ‘E303’]) for Cassini missions.

    It can also include special values like ‘ALL_TITAN’ or ‘ALL_ENCELADUS’ to download all flybys for Titan or Enceladus.

  • custom_output (str, optional): A custom path where the downloaded files will be stored. If not provided,

    the default folder structure is used based on the mission name.

  • (dict, dict, dict): A tuple containing:
    • all_kernel_files (dict): A dictionary where keys are kernel types (e.g., ‘ck’, ‘spk’) and values are lists of paths to the successfully loaded kernel files.

    • all_radio_science_files (dict): A dictionary where keys are radio science data types and values are lists of paths to the successfully loaded radio science files.

    • all_ancillary_files (dict): A dictionary where keys are ancillary data types and values are lists of paths to the successfully loaded ancillary files.

get_mro_files(local_folder, start_date, end_date)[source]

Description: Downloads various SPICE kernel and ancillary files for the MRO mission, including clock, frame, orientation, and SPK kernels, based on a specified date range. Files are saved in the provided local folder.

  • local_folder (str): Path to the local folder where files will be saved.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date for the data retrieval.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date for the data retrieval.

  • kernel_files_to_load (dict): A dictionary containing the loaded kernel files, categorized by type (e.g., ‘sclk’, ‘fk’, ‘ck’, ‘spk’).

  • radio_science_files_to_load (dict): An empty dictionary for now, intended for radio science files.

  • ancillary_files_to_load (dict): An empty dictionary for now, intended for ancillary files.

get_mro_spk_ID(start_date, end_date, mapping_dict)[source]

Description: Checks if the given date interval overlaps with any of the date intervals in the mapping dictionary, and returns a list of SPK IDs associated with those overlapping intervals.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date of the input interval.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date of the input interval.

  • mapping_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping date intervals (as tuples of start and end dates) to SPK phase IDs (spk_ID).

  • spk_id_list (list): A list of SPK IDs associated with the overlapping intervals.


- ValueError – If no SPK IDs are found for the given date interval.

get_url_mro_spk_files(start_date, end_date)[source]

Description: Fetches the SPK file URLs associated with the given date range for the MRO mission. It first retrieves a mapping of SPK phases to date intervals, identifies the SPK IDs that overlap with the input interval, and then constructs the corresponding SPK file URLs.

  • start_date (datetime): The start date of the input interval.

  • end_date (datetime): The end date of the input interval.

  • spk_ID_urls (list): A list of SPK file URLs corresponding to the overlapping SPK IDs.


- ValueError – If no SPK file URLs are found for the given date range.

is_date_in_intervals(date, intervals)[source]

Checks if a given date falls within any of the specified date intervals.

  • date (datetime): The date to check.

  • intervals (list of tuples): A list of tuples, where each tuple contains two datetime objects representing the start and end of an interval.

  • bool: True if the date falls within any of the intervals, otherwise False.

match_type_extension(data_type, filename)[source]

Checks if the extension of a given file matches the expected extension for the specified data type.

  • data_type (str) – The data type (e.g., ‘ck’, ‘spk’, ‘odf’, etc.).

  • filename (str) – The filename whose extension is to be checked.


True if the file extension matches the expected extension for the given data type, otherwise False.

Return type:


parse_filename(input_mission, data_type, filename)[source]

Description: This function parses a filename into its components based on the mission and data type patterns. It uses regular expressions to match the filename against predefined patterns for different mission types. It then returns the parsed components as a dictionary, along with the indices of underscores within the matched groups.

  • input_mission (str): The mission name (e.g., ‘cassini’, ‘mro’, etc.).

  • data_type (str): The type of data (e.g., “radioscience”, “kernels”, “all”).

  • filename (str): The filename to be parsed.

  • (dict, list): A tuple containing: - dictionary (dict): A dictionary where the keys are the component names (e.g., ‘date’, ‘purpose’, etc.), and the values are the parsed values from the filename. - underscore_indices (list): A list of indices representing the positions of underscores in the matched groups.


Description: This method prints a table displaying the Titan flyby data in a readable format. It iterates over the cassini_titan_flyby_dict, extracts relevant information for each flyby, and constructs a table. The table is formatted with headers and colored using the colorama library for enhanced readability.




None: This method prints the formatted table to the console.

reconstruct_filename(dictionary, underscore_indices)[source]

This function reconstructs the original filename by combining the parsed components (from the dictionary) and placing underscores at the specified indices (from the underscore_indices). It takes into account the specific format of the filename, ensuring the proper placement of underscores.

  • dictionary (dict): A dictionary containing the parsed components of the filename, where the keys are the component names and the values are the corresponding values extracted from the filename.

  • underscore_indices (list): A list of indices where underscores should be placed in the reconstructed filename. These indices correspond to the position of the groups in the parsed dictionary.

  • (str): The reconstructed filename as a string, with underscores placed at the specified positions.

spice_transfer2binary(input_file, timeout=5)[source]

Converts transfer-file format SPICE kernels (e.g., .ckf, .spk) into binary SPICE kernels (e.g., .ck, .bsp) using the SPACIT utility. This is necessary for loading the kernels with spice.load_kernels. The function handles the conversion by running the SPACIT tool as a subprocess and manages timeouts during the conversion process.

  • input_file (str): The path to the SPICE kernel file to be converted. It must have either a .ckf or .spk extension.

  • timeout (int, optional): The timeout duration for the SPACIT process, default is 5 seconds.

  • str: The path to the output file (either .ck or .bsp), depending on the input file type.

If the output file already exists, the function returns the existing output file path.


If the conversion fails or times out, an error message is printed.