Source code for tudatpy.plotting._helpers

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Dict, Union
from ..util import result2array, pareto_optimums

[docs]def dual_y_axis( x_data: list, y_data_1: list, y_data_2: list, x_label: str, y_label_1: str, y_label_2: str, title:str = "", c1:str = "tab:blue", c2:str = "tab:red", grid:str = "" ): """Plot two y-axis that share a common x-axis. Parameters ---------- x_data : list List of common values that constitute the x-axis. y_data_1 : list List of values that constitute the first (left) y-axis. y_data_2 : list List of values that constitute the second (right) y-axis. x_label : str Label of the common x-axis. y_label_1 : str Label of the first (left) y-axis. y_label_1 : str Label of the second (right) y-axis. title : str, optional Title of the plot. c1 : str, optional, default = "tab:blue" Color of the first (left) y-axis. c2 : str, optional, default = "tab:red" Color of the second (right) y-axis. grid : str, optional Indication on where to use a grid. This variable can take the value "left", "right", or "both" to indicate relative to which y-axis the grid should be made. Using any of these options will put a grid relative to the common x-axis. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Define data to be plotted x = np.arange(0, 20, 0.01) y1 = x**5*np.sin(x) y2 = 5**x*(np.cos(x)+1) # Plot the results from the two functions of x fig, ax1, ax2 = dual_y_axis( x, y1, y2, "x", "$x^5 \cdot \sin x$", "$5^x \cdot (\cos x + 1)$", title="Some basic functions", grid="both") # Set the second (right) axis scale as a log ax2.set_yscale("log") # Show the plot .. image:: _static/dual_y_plot.png :width: 700 :align: center Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the dual y-axis plot. ax1 : matplotlib.axes.Axes First axis, corresponding to the left y-axis (and containing the shared x-axis). ax2 : matplotlib.axes.Axes Second axis, corresponding to the right y-axis (and containing the shared x-axis). """ # Setup a new figure fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,6)) # Add the common label on the x axis ax1.set_xlabel(x_label) # Add the label on the left y axis (in the correct color) ax1.set_ylabel(y_label_1, color=c1) # Plot the data for the left axis ax1.plot(x_data, y_data_1, color=c1) # Re-color the left y axis ax1.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=c1) if grid in ["right", "left", "both"]: # Add the grid based on the x-axis (common to both) ax1.grid(axis="x") if grid in ["left", "both"]: # Add the grid based on the left y-axis (dashed and in the correct color) ax1.grid(linestyle="dashed", color=c1, axis="y") # Create a second y axis that shares the same x axis ax2 = ax1.twinx() # Add the label on the right y axis (in the correct color) ax2.set_ylabel(y_label_2, color=c2) # Plot the data on the right axis ax2.plot(x_data, y_data_2, color=c2) # Re-color the right y axis ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=c2) # Add the grid based on the right y-axis (dotted and in the correct color) if grid in ["right", "both"]: ax2.grid(linestyle="dotted", color=c2, axis="y") # Add a title if len(title) > 0: ax2.set_title(title) # Save space by using a tight layout fig.tight_layout() # Return the figure and axis return fig, ax1, ax2
[docs]def trajectory_3d( vehicles_states: Dict[float, np.ndarray], vehicles_names:List[str], central_body_name:str, spice_bodies:List[str] = [], frame_orientation:str = "J2000", center_plot:bool = False, colors:List[str] = [], linestyles:List[str] = [] ): """Plot the trajectory specified bodies in 3D. This function allows to plot the 3D trajectory of vehicles of which the state has been propagated, as well as the trajectory of bodies taken directly from the SPICE interface. Parameters ---------- vehicles_states : Dict[float, numpy.ndarray] Dictionary mapping the simulation time steps to the propagated state time series of the simulation bodies. vehicles_names : List[str] List of the name of the simulated body for which the trajectory must be plotted. Use an empty string in the list to skip a specific body. central_body_name : str Name of the central body in the simulation spice_bodies : List[str], optional List of the name of bodies for which the trajectory has to be taken from SPICE and plotted. frame_orientation : str, optional, default="J2000" Orientation of the reference frame used in the simulation. center_plot : bool, optional, default=False If True, the central body will be centered on the plot. colors : List[str], optional List of colors to use for the trajectories. In order, the colors will first be used for the vehicles and then for the SPICE bodies. linestyles : List[str], optional List of linestyles to use for the trajectories. In order, the linestyles will first be used for the vehicles and then for the SPICE bodies. Examples -------- After the propagation of two CubeSats on which thrust is applied, we can for instance plot both of their trajectories, as well as the trajectory of the Moon, using the following code snippet: .. code-block:: python # Plot the trajectory of two satellite and the Moon around the Earth fig, ax = plotting.trajectory_3d( vehicles_states=dynamics_simulator.state_history, vehicles_names=["Lunar CubeSat A", "Lunar CubeSat B"], central_body_name="Earth", spice_bodies=["Moon"], linestyles=["dotted", "dashed", "solid"], colors=["blue", "green", "grey"] ) # Change the size of the figure fig.set_size_inches(8, 8) # Show the plot .. image:: _static/trajectory_3D.png :width: 450 :align: center Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the 3D plot. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes 3D axis system used to plot the trajectory. """ # Import SPICE from ..kernel.interface import spice # Save color and linestyle index i_c, i_ls = 0, 0 # Set color and linestyles if nothing specified if len(colors) == 0: colors = ["C%i" % i for i in range(10)] if len(linestyles) == 0: linestyles = ["-"]*(len(vehicles_names)+len(spice_bodies)) # If the SPICE kernels are not loaded, load THEM if spice.get_total_count_of_kernels_loaded() < 4: spice.load_standard_kernels() # Make sure inputs are the correct format if type(vehicles_names) == str: vehicles_names = [vehicles_names] if type(spice_bodies) == str: spice_bodies = [spice_bodies] # Convert the states to a ndarray vehicles_states_array = result2array(vehicles_states) sim_epochs = vehicles_states_array[:,0] # Make a list of positions per vehicle vehicles_positions = [] for i in range(len(vehicles_names)): vehicles_positions.append(vehicles_states_array[:, 1+i*6:4+i*6]) # Create a figure with a 3D projection for the Moon and vehicle trajectory around Earth fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") # Save the minimum and maximum positions min_pos, max_pos = 0, 0 # Plot the trajectory of each vehicle for i, vehicle_name in enumerate(vehicles_names): if len(vehicle_name) != 0: # Update the minimum and maximum positions min_pos, max_pos = min(min_pos, np.min(vehicles_positions[i])), max(max_pos, np.max(vehicles_positions[i])) # Select appropriate color and linestyle _color = colors[i_c] _linestyle = linestyles[i_ls] # Increment color and linestyle indexes i_c = i_c + 1 if i_c != len(colors) else 0 i_ls = i_ls + 1 if i_ls != len(linestyles) else 0 # Plot the trajectory of the vehicle ax.plot(vehicles_positions[i][:,0], vehicles_positions[i][:,1], vehicles_positions[i][:,2], label=vehicle_name, color=_color, linestyle=_linestyle) for i, spice_body in enumerate(spice_bodies): # Get the position of the body from SPICE body_state_array = np.array([ spice.get_body_cartesian_position_at_epoch(spice_body, central_body_name, frame_orientation, "None", epoch) for epoch in sim_epochs ]) # Update the minimum and maximum positions min_pos, max_pos = min(min_pos, np.min(body_state_array)), max(max_pos, np.max(body_state_array)) # Select appropriate color and linestyle _color = colors[i_c] _linestyle = linestyles[i_ls] # Increment color and linestyle indexes i_c = i_c + 1 if i_c != len(colors) else 0 i_ls = i_ls + 1 if i_ls != len(linestyles) else 0 # Plot the trajectory of the body ax.plot(body_state_array[:,0], body_state_array[:,1], body_state_array[:,2], label=spice_body, color=_color, linestyle=_linestyle) # Plot the central body position ax.scatter(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, label=central_body_name, marker="o", color="k") # Make the plot centered if needed if center_plot: min_pos, max_pos = -max(np.fabs(min_pos), max_pos), max(np.fabs(min_pos), max_pos) # Add a legend, set the plot limits, and add axis labels ax.legend() ax.set_xlim([min_pos*1.2, max_pos*1.2]), ax.set_ylim([min_pos*1.2, max_pos*1.2]), ax.set_zlim([min_pos*1.2, max_pos*1.2]) ax.set_xlabel("x [m]"), ax.set_ylabel("y [m]"), ax.set_zlabel("z [m]") # Use a tight layout for the figure (do last to avoid trimming axis) fig.tight_layout() # Return the figure and the axis system return fig, ax
[docs]def pareto_front( x_objective: list, y_objective: list, x_label: str, y_label: str, title:str = "", c_parameter:Union[list,None] = None, c_label:str = "", cmap:Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap,str] = "viridis", operator:List[Union[min,max]] = [min, min], alpha:float = 0.85): """Plot dual-objective optimisation solutions with their associated Pareto front. This function allows to plot the cloud of points that results from an optimisation that contains two objectives, with the x and y axis both representing one of the optimisation objectives. A Pareto front is also automatically added to the plot, to represent the suite of optimum solutions. Optionally, information on a third design or optimisation parameter can also be incorporated to the plot in the form of a colormap. Parameters ---------- x_objective : List[float] List of values representing the score of each solution according to a first optimisation objective. y_objective : List[float] List of values representing the score of each solution according to a second optimisation objective. x_label : str Label of the x-axis. y_label : str Label of the y-axis. title : str, optional Title of the plot. c_parameter : List[float], optional List of values representing an extra design or optimisation parameter, coloring the cloud of points. c_label : str, optional Label of the colorbar that is used to represent the optional third objective. cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, optional, default="viridis" Colormap to use to represent the optional third objective. operator : List[min,max], optional, default=[min,min] List used to indicated if each of the two main objectives should be minimised or maximised. alpha : float, optional, default=0.85 Examples ------- The following example is based on the optimisation of the orbit of a CubeSat flying at very low altitude. The two main optmisation objectives were to minimise the mean orbital altitude, and minimise the loss in periapsis over a few years. The `pareto_front` function is then used to plot the optimisation results related to both of these objectives. In addition, a colormap is used to represent the mean power that the CubeSat was receiving in each of the computed orbits. .. code-block:: python # Generate fake result from an optimisation mean_altitudes = np.random.gamma(100, 2, 1000) periapsis_decays = np.random.gamma(10, 5, 1000) mean_powers = np.random.normal(8, 3, 1000) # Plot the two main objectives, using colors to represent the mean power fig, ax = plotting.pareto_front( x_objective=mean_altitudes, y_objective=periapsis_decays, x_label="Mean altitude [km]", y_label="Periapsis decay [km]", title="CubeSat altitude vs periapsis decay objectives, as a function of power", c_parameter=mean_powers, c_label="Mean power [W]", cmap="plasma", alpha=0.65 ) # Show the plot Running this code snippet results in a figure similar to the one below. Do note that the code snippet uses randomly generated data, while the figure shown below is the real optimisation result. .. image:: _static/pareto_front.png :width: 700 :align: center Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the plot. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axis used to make the plot. """ if c_parameter is None: # Create the figure and its axis fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6)) else: # Create the figure and its axis, with a 2.5% space reserved on its right for the colormap fig, (ax, cax) = plt.subplots( figsize=(10,6), ncols=2, gridspec_kw={"width_ratios":[1, 0.025]} ) # Plot the two main objectives, with the appropriate color if the color-associated objective is specified objectives_scatter = ax.scatter(x_objective, y_objective, alpha=alpha, c=c_parameter, cmap=cmap) # If a color-associated objective was specified, add a colormap on the side of the figure if c_parameter is not None: plt.colorbar(objectives_scatter, cax=cax, label=c_label) # Print a warning if the colorbar is left with no label (but accept this) if c_label == "": print("Warning: a colorbar has been added to the Pareto front plot, but no label was specified for it.") # Compute which of the points from the two main objectives are the Pareto optimums optimum_mask = pareto_optimums(np.array([x_objective, y_objective]).T, operator=operator) # Plot the pareto front (use the step function to not falsely indicate that a region is feasible without proof of it) ax.step(sorted(x_objective[optimum_mask], reverse=operator[0]==min), sorted(y_objective[optimum_mask], reverse=operator[1]==max), color="#418F3E", linewidth=2) # Add a label to both axis (this is not optional because a plot without axis label does not mean anything) ax.set_xlabel(x_label), ax.set_ylabel(y_label) # Add a grid ax.grid() # If a title is specified, add it if title != "": ax.set_title(title) # Use a tight layout to save space plt.tight_layout() # Return the figure and axis return fig, ax