Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Delft University of Technology
All rigths reserved
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# General imports
import numpy as np
from inspect import getmro
# Tudat imports
from tudatpy.util import result2array
from tudatpy.kernel import numerical_simulation
from tudatpy.kernel.numerical_simulation.propagation_setup.dependent_variable import \
VariableSettings, \
get_dependent_variable_id, \
class DependentVariableDictionary(dict):
Dictionary-like class designed to store and retrieve dependent variable time histories
using dependent variable settings objects (instances of `VariableSettings`-derived
classes, check the Tudat API docs for more information about this class).
The goal of this class is to make dependent variable time history retrieval semantic and
total_acceleration_history = dep_vars_dict[
Example usage:
See the example below. As you can see, we can use as keys either the
* Original dependent variable settings object (`dependent_variables_to_save[0]`),
* Or a newly created dependent variable settings object (`propagation_setup.dependent_variable.total_acceleration("Delfi-C3")`)
# Create simulation object and propagate the dynamics
dynamics_simulator = numerical_simulation.create_dynamics_simulator(
bodies, propagator_settings
# Create DependentVariableDictionary
dep_vars_dict = result2dict(dynamics_simulator)
# Retrieve the time history (in `dict[epoch: value]` form) of the total acceleration experienced by Delft-C3
total_acceleration_history = dep_vars_dict[
# This can be done using either the `SingleAccelerationDependentVariableSaveSettings`
# corresponding to this dependent variable
total_acceleration_history = dep_vars_dict[
# Or a newly created one
How are time histories saved in a `DependentVariableDictionary`?
A `DependentVariableDictionary` maps which maps dependent variables, identified by either their
corresponding dependent variable settings object (an instance of a `VariableSettings`-derived
class) or its string ID, to their time histories.
The time history of each dependent variable is a Python `dict` which maps epochs (`float`) to
NumPy arrays (`np.ndarray`) of shape `(A, B)`:
dict[epoch: np.ndarray[A, B]]
**Important**: in `(A, B)`, we remove singleton/trivial dimensions (dimensions, `A` or `B`, of size 1).
In the case of scalar dependent variables, the value associated to each epoch is a `np.ndarray` of shape `(1,)`.
In the case of vectorial dependent variables, it is a **row** vector of size `(A,)`. This is done by using
`np.squeeze` to remove any dimensions of size 1. Practical examples:
Dimensions of dependent variable values associated to each epoch based on their type:
| Data Type | Shape |
| Scalar | `(1,)` |
| Vectorial | `(3,)` |
| Matrix | `(A, B)` |
| Tensor | `(A, B, C)` |
def __read_key(self, key: VariableSettings):
Read a `DependentVariableDictionary` key, as follows:
* If the `key` is an instance of a `VariableSettings`-derived class, return the
object's string ID, obtained using `get_dependent_variable_id`.
* If the `key` is a string, use it directly, assuming it is the string ID of a
dependent variable settings object
* If the `key` is neither type, raise a `TypeError`
# If the key is an instance of a `VariableSettings`-derived class, return its string ID
if VariableSettings in getmro(key.__class__):
key = get_dependent_variable_id(key)
# Accept an integer key
elif isinstance(key, int):
key = list(self.keys())[key]
# Else, ensure it is a string, or else raise a TypeError
elif not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError(
'DependentVariableDictionary keys must be either instances of `VariableSettings`-derived classes, '
'or dependent variable string IDs (see `numerical_simulation.propagation_setup.dependent_variable.get_dependent_variable_id`).'
return key
def __init__(self, mapping=None, /, **kwargs):
Create a `DependentVariableDictionary` from either a dictionary (`mapping`), or a series of
keyword-value pairs (`kwargs`).
if mapping is not None:
mapping = {
self.__read_key(key): value for key, value in mapping.items()
mapping = {}
if kwargs:
{self.__read_key(key): value for key, value in kwargs.items()}
# Create a time history attribute to easily retrieve the time history
# The time history is obtained from the keys of the first dependent
# variable's time history dictionary
self.time_history = np.array(
# List of keys (epochs) of the time history of the
# first dependent variable stored in the `DependentVariableDictionary`
def __setitem__(self, __key: VariableSettings, __value: any) -> None:
Set the time history corresponding to a dependent variable, identified either by
the dependent variable settings object corresponding to the dependent variable
or its string ID.
Check the documentation of `DependentVariableDictionary.__read_key` for further details.
return super().__setitem__(self.__read_key(__key), __value)
def __getitem__(self, __key: VariableSettings):# -> dict[float: np.ndarray]:
Retrieve the time history corresponding to a dependent variable, identified either by
the dependent variable settings object corresponding to the dependent variable
or its string ID.
Check the documentation of `DependentVariableDictionary.__read_key` for further details.
* Time history of the dependent variable, returned as a `dict` mapping epochs (`float`)
to `np.ndarray`s containing the value of the dependent variable at each given epoch.
return super().__getitem__(self.__read_key(__key))
except KeyError as e:
width = max([len(ID) for ID in self.keys()]) + 10
message = f'\nDependent variable "{__key}" not found in the DependentVariableDictionary. Valid keys (both indexes and strings):\n' + \
f'{"-"*width}\n' + self.__summary__()
raise e
def __summary__(self) -> str:
Return a string summary of the contents of a `DependentVariableDictionary` for print.
width = max([len(ID) for ID in self.keys()]) + 10
summary_string = 'Index String ID\n' + f'{"-"*width}\n' + \
f'{f"[{i}]":<7} "{ID}"\n' for i, (ID, value) in enumerate(self.items())
]) + \
return summary_string
def __repr__(self) -> str:
Return a string summary of the contents of a `DependentVariableDictionary` for print.
width = max([len(ID) for ID in self.keys()]) + 10
title = f'{"Depent Variable Dictionary Summary":^{width}}'
representation_string = f'\n{"="*width}\n' + title + f'\n{"="*width}\n' + self.__summary__()
return representation_string
def asarray(self, key: VariableSettings) -> np.ndarray:
Return the time history of a given dependent variable as a NumPy array.
- key: dependent variable settings object or string ID of the dependent variable
- time_history: time history of the dependent variable, returned as a NumPy array
return np.array(list(self[key].values()))
def create_dependent_variable_dictionary(
dynamics_simulator: numerical_simulation.SingleArcSimulator
) -> DependentVariableDictionary:
Construct a dictionary-like object (`DependentVariableDictionary`) which maps which maps dependent variables
to their time histories. See the documentation of `DependentVariableDictionary` to learn more about how
time histories are saved, and how the time history of a given dependent variable can be retrieved.
dynamics_simulator : SingleArcSimulator
SingleArcSimulator object containing the results of the numerical propagation
dependent_variable_dictionary : DependentVariableDictionary
DependentVariableDictionary of propagation
# Retrieve dependent variable settings objects
dependent_variable_settings = dynamics_simulator.propagation_results.ordered_dependent_variable_settings
# Retrieve /transposed/ time and dependent variable histories
time_history = result2array(
dynamics_simulator.dependent_variable_history).T[0, :]
dependent_variable_history = result2array(
dynamics_simulator.dependent_variable_history).T[1:, :]
# Calculate total number of epochs of propagation
n = len(time_history)
# Construct dependent variable matrices
dependent_variable_matrices = []
for ((i, m), dependent_variable) in dependent_variable_settings.items():
# Retrieve dependent variable shape
A, B = get_dependent_variable_shape(dependent_variable, dynamics_simulator.bodies)
# Save dependent variable history as a tensor of (A, B)-sized
# matrices with `n` entries, where `n` is the number of epochs
# From index i to index i+m (the flattened dimension of the dependent variable)
i:i+m, :
].T.reshape((n, A, B))
# Construct dependent variable dictionary
dependent_variable_dictionary = DependentVariableDictionary({
dependent_variable: {
epoch: dependent_variable_matrices[i_depv][i_epoch].squeeze()
for i_epoch, epoch in enumerate(time_history)
for i_depv, dependent_variable in enumerate(dependent_variable_settings.values())
return dependent_variable_dictionary