import astropy
from astroquery.jplhorizons import Horizons
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import vstack
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Union, List, Tuple
import datetime
from tudatpy import constants
from tudatpy.numerical_simulation import environment_setup
import re
# NOTE when updating, also update tudatpy.numerical_simulation.environment_setup.ephemeris.horizons
class HorizonsQuery:
"""This class provides an interface to JPL's Horizon System.
JPL Horizons provides access to highly accurate ephemerides for many solar system objects,
including asteriuds, comets, planets, moons and select spacecraft.
The class extends astroquery's to cater to the needs of Tudat users,
while maintaining compatibility with all of astroquery's features.
There are some notable differences:
Time input has been simplified to reduce ambiguities:
- List of times are given in seconds since J2000 TDB.
- Start can be given in datetime format or seconds since J2000 TDB.
- Timesteps like months and years are not permitted.
And some additional features:
- Extended query allows data retrieval limits
to be broken by automatically splitting up a query into multiple subqueries
and combining the data.
- Ephemeris settings can automatically be generated using Vectors API.
query_limit = 90024
# 50 is chosen to be conservative,
# 50 is chosen to prevent scenarios where higher precision is used,
# to prevent undefined behaviour when very futuristic dates are used,
# and because it is a nice human friendly number.
# Testing found a limit of 77 but this will not be conservative.
query_limit_list = 50
def __init__(
query_id: str,
location: str,
query_type: str = "default",
epoch_start: Union[datetime.datetime, float, None] = None,
epoch_end: Union[datetime.datetime, float, None] = None,
epoch_step: Union[str, None] = None,
epoch_list: Union[list, None] = None,
extended_query: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Query object to retrieve Horizons data for a singular body.
query_id : str
Query term for object to retrieve data for. The query may be ambiguous,
in which case suggestions for exact objects are presented.
The behaviour for this parameter changes based on the `query_type`
The default behaviour is the same as the official Horizons API.
Here are some examples for the default behaviour:
- `Earth` - ambiguous, will
suggest 3 (Earth-Moon Barycentre) and 399 (Earth).
- `3` - will retrieve Earth-Moon Barycentre.
- `3;` - semi-colon searches for minor planets.\
In this case it will search for the minor planet with MPC code 3: Juno.
- `-3` - A minus sign searches for spacecraft.
In this case the Mars Orbiter Mission.
See the Horizons System manual
for an extensive explanation on this parameter and the timespans
page for some examples:
location : str
Coordinate centre for the data with syntax `site@body`.
In general, the syntax is: `site@body` but there are several shorthands.
The sight may be a specific location on the body, such as an observatory.
500 specifies the geocentre, and can be left out as a shorthand
(500@399 = @399).
Here are some examples:
- `@10` or `@Sun` - if no site is given, the geocenter will be taken.
- `500@399` or `@399` or `500` - Geocentric. The site defaults to `500`.
The body defaults to `@399`.
- `@0` or `@SSB` - The solar system barycentre.
- `0` - without the `@` symbol, this location is equivalent to `0@399`
which is the observatory with MPC code 0 on Earth and not the SSB.
In this case: Greenwich Observatory.
- `Greenwich` - Equivalent to `Greenwich@399`, Greenwich Observatory.
- `Earth` - Heaven on Earth Observatory, not equivalent to `@399`.
- `@Earth` - ambiguous, will suggest `@399` or `@3`.
- `Geocentric` - Equivalent to `500@399`.
As mistakes can easily made, it is highly recommended to consult
the manual and use specific codes for this parameter:
query_type : str, optional
The query type constrains the search for the `query_id` parameter.
Can have values: 'default', 'None', 'smallbody', 'designation', 'name',
'asteroid_name', 'comet_name', by default "default"
While all objects can be found with the default parameter,
some queries have ambiguities. Specifying the query type eliminates the
specific syntax. For example searching Juno with `query_type` `spacecraft`
retrieves data for the spacecraft while setting `smallbody`
retrieves data for the asteroid Juno.
See the Horizons system Manual and astroquery documentation for more info:
epoch_start : Union[datetime.datetime, float, None], optional
Starting date to retrieve data for.
Must be either a python datetime object or a float seconds since J2000 TDB.
Combined with `epoch_end` and
`epoch_step` can be used to retrieve a range of data.
If `epoch_list` is used, value must be None, by default None
epoch_end : Union[datetime.datetime, float, None], optional
Final date to retrieve data for.
Must be either a python datetime object or a float seconds since J2000 TDB.
If the start stop, and step parameters dont result in an
integer multiple of values,the final date is not used.
Combined with `epoch_end` and
`epoch_step` can be used to retrieve a range of data.
If `epoch_list` is used, value must be None, by default None
epoch_step : Union[str, None], optional
Step for the range of epochs to retrieve data for.
Can be be either a specific timestep such as `15m`,
or a number of partitions `10` for 10 equidistant steps within the range.
For the timestep, quantifiers `m` for minute, `h` for hour and `d` for day
can be used. Seconds are not available, consider using the `epoch_list`
parameter or a number of partitions instead.
Month and Year are normally available in JPL Horizons but are restricted
here because they may produce ambiguous results (leap years etc.).
If `epoch_list` is used, value must be None, by default None
epoch_list : Union[list, None], optional
List of times in seconds since J2000 TDB. Can be used
to retrieve specific times instead of a range.
Must be None if start, end and step are set, by default None
extended_query : bool, optional
Enables the retrieval of larger collections of data, by default False.
Horizons System has a limit on how much data can be output (90024) lines.
Additionally there is a limit on input length which may be exceeded if a
long list of times is given with the `epoch_list` option (50 epochs).
When enabled, the times are split in to multiple subqueries.
The data of these subqueries is then combined and presented as a single
query. Using a very large number of queries may make data retrieval slow,
especially when using the list option. Consider whether your use case
requires a large number of specific times,
or if a range can be used instead.
The epoch step partitions (`10` not `10h`) is currently unsupported with
the extended_query.
self._query_id = query_id
self._query_type = None if query_type == "default" else query_type
# this gets set after vectors is run
self._target_full_name = None
# these get set if the above is not None and the name property gets called
self._MPC_number = None
self._name = None
self._designation = None
self.epoch_type = None
# the 'subqueries' when using an extended query and their lengths.
self.queries = []
self.query_lengths = []
# ##############
# error handling
# ##############
# epoch range format:
# epoch_list IS none rest is NOT none
if epoch_list is None:
if (epoch_start is None) or (epoch_end is None) or (epoch_step is None):
raise ValueError(
"Must specify either a list of times in sec since J2000 "
+ "or a combined start, end and step parameters"
ts_seconds, num_lines = self._interpret_timestep(
epoch_step, epoch_start, epoch_end
self._validate_time_range(epoch_start, epoch_end)
if re.findall(r"\d+", epoch_step)[0] == epoch_step:
self.epoch_type = "partition"
self.epoch_type = "range"
# epoch list format:
# start step end IS none, list NOT none
elif (epoch_start is None) and (epoch_end is None) and (epoch_step is None):
if epoch_list is None:
raise ValueError(
"Must specify either a list of times in sec since J2000 "
+ "or a combined start, end and step parameters not both"
elif (
isinstance(epoch_list, list)
or isinstance(epoch_list, tuple)
or isinstance(epoch_list, np.ndarray)
self.epoch_type = "list"
num_lines = len(epoch_list)
raise ValueError(
"epoch_list must be a list of times in sec since J2000"
# Neither format indicated
raise ValueError(
"Must specify either a list of times in sec since J2000 "
+ "or a combined start, end and step parameters"
# ########################################
# Check for query limit and create queries
# ########################################
if (
(not extended_query)
and (num_lines > HorizonsQuery.query_limit)
and (self.epoch_type == "range")
txt = (
"The query is larger than Horizon's limit of "
+ f"{HorizonsQuery.query_limit} lines: ({num_lines}). "
+ f"Consider making the timestep higher than {epoch_step} "
+ "or use the 'extended_query' option."
raise ValueError(txt)
elif (
(not extended_query)
and (num_lines > HorizonsQuery.query_limit)
and (self.epoch_type == "partition")
txt = (
"The query is larger than Horizon's limit of "
+ f"{HorizonsQuery.query_limit} lines: ({num_lines}). "
+ f"Consider using fewer partitions than {epoch_step} "
+ "or use the 'extended_query' option."
raise ValueError(txt)
elif (
(not extended_query)
and (num_lines > HorizonsQuery.query_limit_list)
and (self.epoch_type == "list")
txt = (
"The query is larger than Horizon's input limit of "
+ f"{HorizonsQuery.query_limit_list} lines: ({num_lines}). "
+ "Consider selecting fewer epochs to poll, "
+ f"using the range option for up to {HorizonsQuery.query_limit} "
+ "epochs (or higher with the 'extended_query' option). "
+ "Using the 'extended_query' option with lists may be slow for "
+ "a high number of epochs (>200)."
raise ValueError(txt)
# query is smaller than limit -> one batch
# seperate check for list as the num lines is smaller
elif (
(self.epoch_type != "list") and (num_lines < HorizonsQuery.query_limit)
) or (
(self.epoch_type == "list") and (num_lines < HorizonsQuery.query_limit_list)
if self.epoch_type == "list":
# convert seconds since J2000 TDB to JD TDB
epoch_def = self._format_time_list(epoch_list)
epoch_def = dict(
# query is extended type -> multiple batches
elif extended_query:
# case where its a list -> split list
if self.epoch_type == "list":
num_splits = math.ceil(num_lines / HorizonsQuery.query_limit_list)
epoch_def = self._format_time_list(epoch_list)
splits = np.array_split(epoch_def, num_splits)
# makes a set of queries that are at the query limit, plus 1 smaller one
for _, split in enumerate(splits):
# Case where it is a range.
elif (self.epoch_type == "range") or (self.epoch_type == "partition"):
if self.epoch_type == "partition":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Using number of divisions for time "
+ "range with extended queries is "
+ "currently unsupported, please use "
+ "timesteps like 15m instead."
start_astro = self._convert_time_to_astropy(epoch_start)
end_astro = self._convert_time_to_astropy(epoch_end)
ts_seconds = ts_seconds * u.second
max_query_step = TimeDelta(
((HorizonsQuery.query_limit - 1) * ts_seconds), format="sec"
next_start = start_astro
next_limit = start_astro + max_query_step
formatt = r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
while next_limit < end_astro:
query_len = math.ceil((next_limit - next_start) / ts_seconds)
if self.epoch_type == "partition":
epoch_step_batch = str(query_len)
epoch_step_batch = epoch_step
epoch_def = dict(
next_start = next_limit + ts_seconds
next_limit = next_start + max_query_step
# the final batch:
query_len = math.ceil((end_astro - next_start) / ts_seconds)
if self.epoch_type == "partition":
epoch_step_batch = str(query_len)
epoch_step_batch = epoch_step
epoch_def = dict(
raise RuntimeError("Undefined behaviour, (extended)")
raise RuntimeError("Undefined behaviour, (unknown error in init)")
self.num_queries = len(self.queries)
self._object_type = None
def name(self) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Retrieve the name of the query's object.
The name is infered from the data retrieved and will return none
if data has not been retrieved yet.
Unnamed minor planets will use their designation instead.
If a name can not be infered, the raw name from Horizons will be returned.
Please consider raising an issue on the Tudat github in such cases."""
return self._name
except Exception as _:
f"Unable to infer name, will use full designation instead: {self._target_full_name}"
return self._target_full_name
def MPC_number(self) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Retrieve the MPC (Minor Planet Centre) number of the object.
The MPC number is infered from data retrieved and will return none
if data has not been retrieved yet.
The MPC number is only relevant to minor planets such as asteroids, TNOs and
Near-Earth Asteroids."""
return self._MPC_number
except Exception as _:
return None
def designation(self) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Retrieve the relevant designation of the query's object.
The designation is infered from the data retrieved and will return none
if data has not been retrieved yet.
Minor planets and Comets will return their provisional designation
(1898 DQ for Eros, 1982 HG1 for Halley).
A comets' formal designation can often be retrieved using the `name` property
Spacecraft and Major Planets/ Moons will return their JPL number
(-28 for JUICE, 6 for Saturn Barycentre)."""
return self._designation
except Exception as _:
return None
def _infer_name(self) -> None:
"""Internal Method to extract the name, designation and MPC code for the
object from the data."""
if self._target_full_name is None:
self._name = None
num_between_brackets = re.findall(r"\((.*?)\)", self._target_full_name)
# comet
if ("/" in self._target_full_name) and (
"S/2" not in self._target_full_name
self._object_type = "comet"
temp = self._target_full_name.split("/")
self._name = temp[1]
self._designation = temp[0]
# planet/moon
elif (
not (self._target_full_name[0].isnumeric())
and num_between_brackets[0].isnumeric()
self._object_type = "major"
temp = self._target_full_name.split(None, 1)
self._name = temp[0]
self._designation = num_between_brackets[0]
# spacecraft
elif "spacecraft" in self._target_full_name.lower():
self._object_type = "spacecraft"
self._name = re.findall(r"^[^\(]*", self._target_full_name)[0]
self._designation = (
re.findall(r"\((.*?)\)", self._target_full_name)[1]
.replace("(", "")
.replace(")", "")
except Exception as e:
self._designation = None
# asteroids
self._object_type = "minorplanet"
temp = self._target_full_name.split(None, 1)
self._MPC_number = temp[0]
self._name = re.sub(r"\(.+?\)\s*", "", temp[1]).strip()
self._designation = (
re.findall(r"\((.*?)\)", temp[1])[0]
.replace("(", "")
.replace(")", "")
# this is for unnamed asteroids
if len(self._name) == 0:
self._name = self._designation
def _convert_time_to_astropy(self, time) -> astropy.time.Time:
"""Internal method to convert inputted times to astropy"""
# time is tudat format: seconds since j2000 TDB
if (
isinstance(time, float)
or isinstance(time, int)
or isinstance(time, np.ndarray)
# convert to julian days
time = (time / constants.JULIAN_DAY) + constants.JULIAN_DAY_ON_J2000
time_astro = Time(time, format="jd", scale="tdb", precision=9)
# time is python datetime
time_astro = Time(time, format="datetime", scale="tdb", precision=9)
return time_astro
def _validate_time_range(self, start, end) -> None:
"""Internal method to validate start/end user input"""
if not (
isinstance(start, float)
or isinstance(start, int)
or isinstance(start, datetime.datetime)
raise TypeError(
"Incorrect start time given, must be datetime "
+ "object or float seconds since J2000 TDB"
if not (
isinstance(end, float)
or isinstance(end, int)
or isinstance(end, datetime.datetime)
raise TypeError(
"Incorrect start time given, must be datetime "
+ "object or float seconds since J2000 TDB"
def _format_time_range(self, time: Union[float, datetime.datetime]) -> str:
"""Internal method to format input time ranges to a JPL accepted format"""
if isinstance(time, float) or isinstance(time, int):
# convert sec since J2000 TDB to JD TDB
formatt = r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
return self._convert_time_to_astropy(time).strftime(formatt)
elif isinstance(time, datetime.datetime):
# using recommended 3 letter months may have compatibility issues with locales
formatt = r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
return str(time.strftime(formatt))
raise TypeError(
"Incorrect time value given, must be "
+ "datetime object or seconds since J2000 TDB"
def _format_time_list(self, times) -> List[astropy.time.Time]:
"""Internal method to format input time lists to a JPL accepted format"""
# This is accurate enough considering the precision JPL takes as input
times = self._convert_time_to_astropy((np.array(times))).jd
return times
def _interpret_timestep(
timestep: str,
start: Union[datetime.datetime, float],
end: Union[datetime.datetime, float],
"""Internal method to determine the length of the timestep in seconds
This is to help partition the queries in the case of an extended query"""
numerical_part = re.findall(r"\d+", timestep)
if len(numerical_part) == 0:
raise ValueError("Timestep is incorrect")
numerical_part = float(numerical_part[0])
alpha_part = re.sub(r"\d+", "", timestep).replace(" ", "").lower()
time_seconds = None
ambiguoustxt = (
"Time intervals like month and year "
+ "are ambigious, please reformulate the timestep in days instead"
if alpha_part.startswith("y") or alpha_part.startswith("mo"):
raise ValueError(ambiguoustxt)
elif alpha_part.startswith("d"):
time_seconds = 86400 * numerical_part
elif alpha_part.startswith("h"):
time_seconds = 3600 * numerical_part
elif alpha_part.startswith("m"):
time_seconds = 60 * numerical_part
# if the timestep is a partition (no hour/day suffix)
elif len(alpha_part) == 0:
time_seconds = None
raise ValueError("Unrecognized time step, use '1d', '1min', '2 hours' etc.")
start_astro = self._convert_time_to_astropy(start)
end_astro = self._convert_time_to_astropy(end)
duration = (end_astro - start_astro).sec
if time_seconds is None:
time_seconds = duration / numerical_part
steps = numerical_part
return time_seconds, steps
steps = math.ceil(duration / time_seconds)
return time_seconds, steps
# ################
# ################
def vectors(
frame_orientation: str = "ECLIPJ2000",
aberations: str = "geometric",
) -> astropy.table.Table:
"""Retrieve Horizons Vectors api data in raw astropy format.
For general purposes, use the `.cartesian()` method instead.
frame_orientation : str, optional
Reference Frame Orientation, equivalent to the astroquery refplane
parameter. Options are 'J2000'/'earth', 'ECLIPJ2000'/'ecliptic' and 'body'
, by default "ECLIPJ2000".
See astroquery documentation for information about the 'body' option:
aberations : str, optional
Aberations to be accounted for. Options are: 'geometric', 'astrometric' and
'apparent', by default "geometric".
See the Horizons System Manual for more info:
Unprocessed vectors API data in astropy Table format.
# User input handling
if aberations not in ["geometric", "astrometric", "apparent"]:
raise ValueError(
"refplane parameter must be one of: "
+ "'geometric', 'astrometric', 'apparent'"
if frame_orientation not in [
raise ValueError(
"refplane parameter must be one of: "
+ '"ECLIPJ2000", "J2000", "ecliptic", "earth", "body"'
# convert refplanet to one compatible with Horizons
if frame_orientation == "J2000":
frame_orientation = "earth"
elif frame_orientation == "ECLIPJ2000":
frame_orientation = "ecliptic"
frame_orientation = frame_orientation
res_list = []
for query in self.queries:
res = query.vectors(
raw = vstack(res_list)
# retrieve the object's full name from Horizons
self._target_full_name = raw["targetname"][0]
return raw
def cartesian(
frame_orientation: str = "ECLIPJ2000",
aberations: str = "geometric",
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Retrieve the cartesian state using the Horizons Vector API.
frame_orientation : str, optional
Reference Frame Orientation, equivalent to the astroquery refplane
parameter. Options are 'J2000'/'earth', 'ECLIPJ2000'/'ecliptic' and 'body'
, by default "ECLIPJ2000".
See astroquery documentation for information about the 'body' option:
aberations : str, optional
Aberations to be accounted for. Options are: 'geometric', 'astrometric' and
'apparent', by default "geometric".
See the Horizons System Manual for more info:
returns an n by 7 array with the time in seconds since J2000 TDB,
and the cartesian position and velocities.
raw = self.vectors(frame_orientation=frame_orientation, aberations=aberations)
# A.D. 2019-Jan-05 22:40:00.0000
timeformatt = "A.D. %Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
tab = (
# format time: first parse the time string and then into seconds since J2000
epoch_dt=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.datetime_str, format=timeformatt)
epochJ2000secondsTDB=lambda x: (
Time(x.epoch_dt, format="datetime64").jd1
- constants.JULIAN_DAY_ON_J2000
* constants.JULIAN_DAY
+ ((Time(x.epoch_dt, format="datetime64").jd2) * constants.JULIAN_DAY)
.assign(x=lambda i: i.x * constants.ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT)
.assign(y=lambda i: i.y * constants.ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT)
.assign(z=lambda i: i.z * constants.ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT)
vx=lambda i: i.vx * constants.ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT / constants.JULIAN_DAY
vy=lambda i: i.vy * constants.ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT / constants.JULIAN_DAY
vz=lambda i: i.vz * constants.ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT / constants.JULIAN_DAY
.loc[:, ["epochJ2000secondsTDB", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz"]]
return tab.to_numpy()
def create_ephemeris_tabulated(
frame_origin: str,
frame_orientation: str = "ECLIPJ2000",
aberations: str = "geometric",
) -> environment_setup.ephemeris.EphemerisSettings:
"""Create ephemeris settings for a body using Horizons Vector API.
frame_origin : str
Global frame origin, should match the queries' location parameter.
frame_orientation : str, optional
Reference Frame Orientation, equivalent to the astroquery refplane
parameter. Options are 'J2000' and 'ECLIPJ2000', by default "ECLIPJ2000".
aberations : str, optional
Aberations to be accounted for. Options are: 'geometric', 'astrometric' and
'apparent', by default "geometric".
See the Horizons System Manual for more info:
Ephemeris settings for the query's body.
Add Ephemerides of JUICE to the body_settings
>>> body_settings.add_empty_settings("JUICE")
>>> body_settings.get("JUICE").ephemeris_settings = query.create_ephemeris_tabulated(
if frame_orientation not in ["ECLIPJ2000", "J2000"]:
raise ValueError(
"refplane parameter must be one of: " + '"ECLIPJ2000", "J2000"'
vector = self.cartesian(
frame_orientation=frame_orientation, aberations=aberations
table = {x[0]: x[1:7] for x in vector}
return environment_setup.ephemeris.tabulated(
def ephemerides(
reference_system: str = "J2000",
extra_precision: bool = False,
) -> astropy.table.Table:
"""Implements the JPL Horizons ephemerides API and returns it in raw Astropy table format.
Ephemerides API provides time-interpolated observer parameters such as right ascension and declination.
Note that this means that values provided are not actual observations.
A number of quantities are retrieved, their definitions can be found here:
By default all available quantities are retrieved.
More parameters can be passed directly to the astroquery call. These can be passed as kwargs: kwargs=("refraction":True).
Check the astroquery documentation for an overview:
reference_system : str, optional
Coordinate reference system, value must be one of `ICRF`/`J2000` or B1950, by default "J2000"
extra_precision : bool, optional
Enables extra precision in right ascension and declination values, by default False
Unprocessed output in astropy table format.
If time query has incorrect format or an incorrect reference system is chosen
if reference_system not in ["ICRF", "J2000", "B1950"]:
raise ValueError(
"`reference_system` must be one of: `J2000`(=`ICRF`), `ICRF`, `B1950`"
if reference_system == "J2000":
reference_system = "ICRF"
res_list = []
for query in self.queries:
# temporarily transform from TDB to UTC:
# NOTE the conversion back and forth is accurate to 1e-5 seconds
if isinstance(query.epochs, dict):
query.epochs["start"] = Time(
query.epochs["start"], format="iso", scale="tdb"
query.epochs["stop"] = Time(
query.epochs["stop"], format="iso", scale="tdb"
elif isinstance(query.epochs, list) or isinstance(query.epochs, np.ndarray):
query.epochs = [
Time(x, format="jd", scale="tdb").utc.jd1
+ Time(x, format="jd", scale="tdb").utc.jd2
for x in query.epochs
raise ValueError("query epoch has incorrect format")
res = query.ephemerides(
timeformatt = "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
actual_time_tdb = Time.strptime(
res["datetime_str"], format_string=timeformatt, scale="utc"
res["datetime_str"] = actual_time_tdb.strftime(timeformatt)
new_actual_time_tdb = Time.strptime(
res["datetime_str"], format_string=timeformatt
res["datetime_jd"] = new_actual_time_tdb.jd1 + new_actual_time_tdb.jd2
res["epochJ2000secondsTDB"] = (
(new_actual_time_tdb.jd1 - constants.JULIAN_DAY_ON_J2000)
* constants.JULIAN_DAY
) + (new_actual_time_tdb.jd2 * constants.JULIAN_DAY)
# convert back
if isinstance(query.epochs, dict):
query.epochs["start"] = Time(
query.epochs["start"], format="iso", scale="utc"
query.epochs["stop"] = Time(
query.epochs["stop"], format="iso", scale="utc"
elif isinstance(query.epochs, list):
query.epochs = [
Time(x, format="jd", scale="utc").tdb.jd for x in query.epochs
raise ValueError("query epoch has incorrect format")
raw = vstack(res_list)
return raw
def interpolated_observations(
degrees: bool = False,
reference_system: str = "J2000",
extra_precision: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Retrieves interpolated Right Ascension and Declination from the Horizons ephemerides API.
Note that these values are not real observations but instead interpolated
values based on the Horizons ephemeris system.
degrees : bool, optional
return values in degrees if True, radians if False, by default false
reference_system : str, optional
Coordinate reference system, value must be one of `ICRF`/`J2000` or B1950, by default "J2000"
extra_precision : bool, optional
Enables extra precision in Right Ascension and Declination values, by default False
Numpy array (N, 3) with time in seconds since J2000 TDB and the Right Ascension and Declination.
If time query has incorrect format or an incorrect reference system is chosen
kwargs["quantities"] = 1 # this gets only RA + DEC
raw = self.ephemerides(
res = raw.to_pandas().loc[:, ["epochJ2000secondsTDB", "RA", "DEC"]]
if not degrees:
res[["RA", "DEC"]] = res[["RA", "DEC"]].apply(np.radians)
res = res.to_numpy()
return res
class HorizonsBatch:
def __init__(
query_id_list: List[str],
location: str,
epoch_list: Union[list, None] = None,
epoch_start: Union[datetime.datetime, float, None] = None,
epoch_end: Union[datetime.datetime, float, None] = None,
epoch_step: Union[str, None] = None,
extended_query: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Query object to retrieve Horizons data for multiple bodies.
See documentation for `HorizonsQuery` for more extensive documentation.
Note that the epochs requested must have data for all bodies queried.
This class is useful for quickly creating ephemerides for many objects at once.
For general purposes, use `HorizonsQuery instead`.
query_id : str
List of query terms to retrieve data for,
all queries behave as type default and the `query_type` behaviour
can not be set for the `HorizonsBatch` class.
location : str
Coordinate centre for the data with syntax `site@body`.
epoch_start : Union[datetime.datetime, float, None], optional
Starting date to retrieve data for.
Must be either a python datetime object or a float seconds since J2000 TDB.
Combined with `epoch_end` and
`epoch_step` can be used to retrieve a range of data.
If `epoch_list` is used, value must be None, by default None
epoch_end : Union[datetime.datetime, float, None], optional
Final date to retrieve data for.
Must be either a python datetime object or a float seconds since J2000 TDB.
If the start stop, and step parameters dont result in an
integer multiple of values,the final date is not used.
Combined with `epoch_end` and
`epoch_step` can be used to retrieve a range of data.
If `epoch_list` is used, value must be None, by default None
epoch_step : Union[str, None], optional
Step for the range of epochs to retrieve data for.
Can be be either a specific timestep such as `15m`,
or a number of partitions `10` for 10 equidistant steps within the range.
For the timestep, quantifiers `m` for minute, `h` for hour and `d` for day
can be used. Seconds are not available, consider using the `epoch_list`
parameter or a number of partitions instead.
Month and Year are normally available in JPL Horizons but are restricted
here because they may produce ambiguous results (leap years etc.).
If `epoch_list` is used, value must be None, by default None
epoch_list : Union[list, None], optional
List of times in seconds since J2000 TDB. Can be used
to retrieve specific times instead of a range.
Must be None if start, end and step are set, by default None
extended_query : bool, optional
Enables the retrieval of larger collections of data, by default False.
self._query_objects = {}
self._query_id_list = query_id_list
self._names = []
for query_id in query_id_list:
if not isinstance(query_id, str):
raise TypeError("Ids in query_id_list must be of type str")
temp = HorizonsQuery(
self._query_objects[query_id] = temp
def names(self) -> Union[None, List[str]]:
"""Retrieves a list of names of the query objects. Returns `None`
if `add_batch_ephemerides` has not been run yet."""
return self._names
def add_batch_ephemerides(
body_settings: environment_setup.BodyListSettings,
frame_origin: str,
frame_orientation: str = "ECLIPJ2000",
aberations: str = "geometric",
) -> None:
"""Uses the data queried to add ephemerides of the bodies querried
to the body_settings. The names of the bodies added can be retrieved
using the names property.
body_settings : environment_setup.BodyListSettings
Tudat body settings object.
frame_origin : str
Global frame origin, should match the queries' location parameter.
frame_orientation : str, optional
Reference Frame Orientation, equivalent to the astroquery refplane
parameter. Options are 'J2000' and 'ECLIPJ2000', by default "ECLIPJ2000".
aberations : str, optional
Aberations to be accounted for. Options are: 'geometric', 'astrometric' and
'apparent', by default "geometric".
See the Horizons System Manual for more info:
names = []
# add the body and its ephemerides to the body_settings
for query in self._query_objects.values():
eph = query.create_ephemeris_tabulated(
name =
body_settings.get(name).ephemeris_settings = eph
# retrieve the names to a list
self._names = names